
Wednesday 13 July 2011

Patching a Memory or Two

Whenever we go out I can usually be relied upon to forget my camera. On Saturday evening we saw a gaudy, sparkly and fun parade and had a lovely time at the fair afterwards. All part of our cities Lord Mayor's procession. I do have a few pictures on my phone, but how to get them from there to here? So just imagine drag queens dressed as washing machines, Scottish pipe bands and everyone having a good time and you get the general idea of the fun we had.
What I can show you is the slowly growing quilt I'm making for Eldest Bun. 

On Saturday morning I chopped up the rest of the squares needed. So that's 120 squares all cut by hand after I'd drawn round the template I'd made. I just can't get my hands to work my blinking cutter so it's the long slow chop chop for me. Lots of lovely squares of 30's feedsacks, 30's repro, 60's and 70's florals and some of Eldest Bun's toddler dresses all go into the patchy mix. Putting all of the rows together was the fun bit, a bit like doing a jigsaw and fiddling around until you know the right piece is in the right space.

I planned to stitch all the squares together today, but did the car boot first. It was an expensive trip today as I lost £10 from my purse, I'd only spent a few pounds too on some china and flowers. 

So does a pretty floral bowl make me feel tons better? A little.

The Larkspur worked their magic when I looked at them.

So did the small and chubby teapot that came home with me. I'm no tea drinker, but I do admire a fine teapot.

This afternoon I managed to stitch and stitch away until all 120 squares had been patched together. This is going to be a hard one to give away to Eldest Bun as I'm falling in love with it for our bed. As I work though I think of all the love I have for her going into this quilt. How she'll have it on her bed at nearly 11, feeling all cosy and content. How maybe in the future it'll go wherever she goes and she'll feel that same cosy contentment she felt when it was on her bed aged 11.

I plan to hand sew some of the quilting when I get to it. Wonder how that'll work out as I haven't much of a clue about quilting. I just jump in, have a go and figure it out as I go along. I much prefer sewing this way as I don't really like following instructions. It can be a bit haphazard though.


  1. That is going to be one lovely quilt not just because of the pretty fabrics but because of the sentiments too. :)
    Vivienne x

  2. oh my gosh ...what a beautiful post..... love your colors!!

  3. It will be so lovely!!! What gorgeous colours.

  4. The larkspur must be spinning its magic on you for you quilt is shaping up beautifully. I really like the idea of handsewing the love into your work: call me sentimental but machine-sewing isn't quite as romantic, is it ;-)

    I am drawn to the art of quilting but do not have the confidence yet for the batting and stitching. I know I will turn to it one of these days though.

    Have a good day. (It's bank holiday in France.)

  5. I have always loved the thought of making a quilt but wouldn't have a clue about the quilting. Like you, I would worry about that when you get to it! lol. Itis beautiful already. Sue x

  6. Your quilt is beautiful. The colours just sing together. Please don't be worried about quilting the finished piece. Safety pin your three layers together on a flat surface and work with your stitching from the centre outwards. I had a great teacher who taught me that quilts filled with love don't have to be perfect. It's all about enjoyment in the making and the gift of giving.
    Have fun xxx

  7. It's very beautiful Lisa! Gorgeous colours! Can't wait to see the finished quilt. Lots of love, Amanda xxx

  8. The quilt is beautiful, and you picked up lovely things at the boot - shame you lost some cash. I think that's a lovely sentiment about the quilt, I know things I had in my childhood that my mum made for me still make me feel comforted now and I'm in my late twenties! It stays with you. :)

  9. You go for it!! I love making stuff for my kids too for the very same reasons. Am currently working on a tepee for them. I also have two mini quilts started for them and like you am not sure what to do next. Good luck with yours.

    Dawn x

  10. It's looking beautiful already, the finished article will be amazing. Lucky girl!

    I forgot my camera on a day trip the other day, I'm still kicking myself over it!!

  11. Making such a nice patchwork-piece-of-art is a lot of work, but so nice to do...
    It's beautiful!
    If i make a quilt i always think it's not perfect enough, but i do like the 'not so perfect sewn together-style' makes it special...


  12. Ohhh its gonna be a beautiful quilt, love the fabrics & colors :)
    Karen x

  13. A lady after my own heart!

    I find if I try to plan things and follow instructions I either dont bother or it goes horribly wrong! Jump right in I say!

    Love the colours and patterns its gorgeous! I am sure your little girl will love it and treasure it always.

    You had some great finds today love the teapot particularly. Bad luck though on the lost tenner! I hate it when things like that happen.

    MBB x

  14. Your fabrics,photos and colours are beautiful,I like blue,flowers and quilt!.

  15. The quilt is coming along real fine and dandy and will bea treasure forever, I think I might need to get my skates on and make one before Alice turns 11 at end of September...Hmmmm. I have never made a quilt before but make it up as I go along and there is the web full of hint and tips which helps too. Love that tea pot and funny I'm like you, somehow money just falls out my purse too xox Penelope

  16. ive just this week decided to try a bit of patchwork/quilting and as i know naff all about it i will definatly just be making it all up. im sure it will look lovely when its finished x x x

  17. Gorgeous quilt you are making and love the idea of using some of her old clothes in it, so lovely.

  18. aww that is going to be a beautiful quilt lovely fabrics. I am in the process of making my first square quilt for my little son but i am sewing them all by hand and then machine quilting but i to like you am putting a lot of love and enjoyment into it. So sorry to hear you lost £10 but you came home with some lovely finds. Enjoy the rest of your week and quilt making, dee x

  19. I always tell my kiddos when I give them something I have made to give it back to mom if they get tired of it.

    That way at least you know it is being loved, even if it is not with you.

    I have only received a quilted skirt back that was outgrown!


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I always try to get back and reply, but sometimes this may take a bit longer as pets and children always seem to need attention around here.

Bobo X

Me Made May 2018

This month I'm taking part in Me Made May, hosted by Zoe of .  Oh and if you head on over to her blog y...