
Friday 18 May 2012

The Good, the Bad and the How it is

I'm not a great one for saying how it is on here. I have absolutely no problem in my real life, but I choose this as my happy space where I celebrate and embrace the good things in life. Sometimes though life catches up on you and then it's time to take a breath, stop and think. I really enjoy writing my blog as I do, but at the moment my head is struggling with being all jolly and creative and I think being honest is what I need right now. 

It's been a roller coaster of a week. It started with the news that my aunt who has been battling with severe mental health problems took a million steps backwards after so many slow slow steps forward. On Monday I celebrated my adopted birthday with my parents. It's the day I was born to them and means I have two birthdays which is a bit of all right isn't it. Next we got some great news. In January Miss Rosey sat a three hour school entrance exam for high school and passed. We found out this week we've been awarded enough of a bursary so she can go to this school. It's been a long and stressful wait not knowing for sure what's happening in the next big step in her life, but so exciting to know at last. That night I rang my mum to let her know Miss Rosey's news, but I couldn't get through. That was the night my dad got rushed into hospital again because he couldn't breathe at all. They're working hard to stabilise him, but other complications are setting in. Mr Bun was going to visit him tonight on his way back from an awards ceremony at Duxford, but his car literally died on the way there with smoke pouring out. We might be lucky enough to get a bit of cash for it as scrap, but no car. He's had loads of cars die on him and they never think to do it near home for some stupidly stupid reason known to the law of cars. Finally, tonight my mum called when she got home from the hospital to say another aunt has gone into hospital.

It's my mum I worry about the most in all of this. There's only so much one person can take and she's taking a lot at the moment. She finds it really hard to accept help and prefers giving, but tonight she asked if she can come and stay at the weekend. The Bun's adore their grandma so they've planned a sleepover all together in the lounge with a midnight feast, she'll love it. We can provide the spoiling and looking after the lot of them.

I feel so much better writing all that down rather than just banging on about the good stuff. Normal will be resumed when I get my head screwed back on again. Hopefully I'll be able to fit in a spot of blissful sewing tommorow before I visit my dad. I've plans to make the Bun's suprise washbags for their first ever school trip away. That's why I've been adding to the stash yet again.


  1. hello Lisa,
    I'm one of your new followers...and I don't know you and you don't know me....but we're in blogland...another dimension!!! Therefore I feel brave enough to be able to respond to your post. I am sorry to hear that life is treating you and your family so hard lately. However I get the impression that you have a united family and that in itself is a force to be dealt with- a strong backup. You are fortunate. Top marks for the youngsters too who are so caring. Again I have to add you are fortunate...
    I know that its easy for me to say this as I'm not in your shoes at present but I've always found that looking for the positive side of things does help.

    Hope things get better for you soon. :-)

    Amanda xx

  2. I send warm thoughts and prayers your way and as the saying goes "When it rains, it pours" Isn't that the truth? Sad as it is, keep your head up. What a lovely idea to have a midnight feast for your mum!! =) If you need to talk, laugh, cry, whatever it may be, please don't hesitate to let me know =) ~Ashley from California

  3. Sending you a big hug and I prescribe a daily sit down with a cup of tea while just watching your hens (just 5 mins makes a difference). That's what got me through a similar phase a couple of years back.
    I hope your mum manages to relax and laugh with the girls ... sounds like a good plan. She must have run out of emotional energy (I remember that feeling well).

  4. Thinking of you all and hoping things get better soon so you can celebrate your daughters fantastic achievement together - chin up X

  5. So sorry to hear things are tough for you at the moment, I hope things start looking up soon x

  6. You have a lot on your plate at the moment, so I'm sending virtual hugs to you all.

  7. You poor lady so sorry, all that is a real weight, will pray for brighter days ahead & for your mom
    Take care Karen x

  8. So Sorry to hear your troubles,hope you Mum and the girls enjoy the sleepover.Thinking of you all.~Take Care Kate~

  9. Honestly, I don't know why it all comes at once but it seems to happen this way. We have a joke in my family...we are happy if no one is dying. Positive thoughts for the entire family. That you and your extended family my be showered with joyfulness and that you may be a blessing to your mum.
    Thank you for sharing.

  10. Lisa - sounds grim round your way...glad you feel better for writing and hopefully feeling the support of your virtual pals (as well as your 'real ones'!)
    Hope the weekend brings some much needed recharging and lots of family time to give you energy for the weeks ahead.
    Sending a large squashy bossomed hug too
    fee x

  11. Hello Lisa, I'm sure you'll be bouyed up by the inevitable flood of good wishes from your readers; sometimes you feel you are a lightening conductor for bad stuff, don't you, but it will pass, you have a lovely family to help each other through.

    Re the blog and its content: there's been a bit of a thread going round blog-land recently as I'm sure you're aware, about this very subject. My recent post is all about that. Consensus seems to be, without pretending everything in the garden is wonderful, keep it reasonably uplifting. However, if you know your readership - and you certainly do - there is a time time to be frank and forthcoming about the downside of life on occasion.

    I wish you and your family all the best, and strength to get you through this.As a grandmother I would wish for no better place to be than with your children.

  12. I am so sorry to read of your familys troubles and poor health at the moment everything always seems to come all at once its not very fair thats for sure. I hope your father and aunts make a fast recovery and there are no further complications for you. Great news for your little one though about the school. Sending you a big hug enjoy your mums company this weekend, take care, dee xx

  13. Sending you a big hug and an email xxxxxxx

  14. ...oh, how life can be hard sometimes!
    Wishing you strenght and sending you a hug and a kiss
    from overseas...


  15. Hi Lisa - I'm sorry to hear about your difficult time. Sometimes it all gangs up on us. Its lovely your Mum feels that she can be comforted by coming to you. Good news about the exam for your daughter. I personally like to get to know the bloggers I follow in a complete way and that means reading about the not so good times as well. I also decided to make my blog my happy place but I think that it is good to balance it sometimes with the not so good stuff. Hope your weekend is cosy and secure and that your family starts to get well again. lily. xxx

  16. At least you can share your difficult times on here and it does help to just tell people.l think we all come to a time in our lives when we know people who's health is poor and things seem to be going backwards, it will get better and the good will outweigh the bad times. Take Care x

  17. I am so so sorry you are going through all this right now....I have been there as many of us have and it is not fun.....but it won't last for ever...and you will get through it...we will be here to help! A millions hugs......xxxxxx

  18. ooops, i dont know what happened there but i just typed a message and it vanished. i dont think its posted?...i wanted to wish you all can throw such hardship and sadness at times, but being close with your family is sooo important and you being there with your mum and little ones will bring so much happiness to your mum im sure ;0)xx...i hope all works out well in the end, be strong and big hugs xxxxxxxx

  19. I have just read all the comments in response to your post today and I am close to tears seeing the number of people who don't know you that well, or at all in some cases (like me), who are sending a virtual hug and supportive thoughts. Your blog gives us all much pleasure but sometimes it is good to acknowledge that blog-happy-land is our escape and that reality has to be dealt with too. Wishing you peace.


  20. Oh Lisa im so sorry to hear your news, I hope your dad will be ok, and some time with your mun will be good for you all, take care xxxxxx

  21. So sorry to hear that things are tough round your way at the moment but I hope things start to look up real soon!
    Victoria xx

  22. Oh my word Lisa - so many ups and downs. Much love o you all and I hope your dad stabilises '

    yay' though for little miss rosey.

    Take care hun

    Nina xxxx

  23. Sending you love and cuddles...and get better quick vibes straight to your can be so tough at times, but families stick together don't they? And thank god for the little people that will always bring a smile to our faces....little Roseys news is just whats needed I think. Congrats Rosey clever must be so proud of her......
    Nattie xx

  24. Hugs and prayers from across the pond, Victoria

  25. Well done to Rosey - a fabulous achievement - no wonder you're so proud.

    I'm so sorry to hear about all the other difficult goings-on. I do hope things improve soon. Quite honestly, I think you're a lovely daughter - the sleepover and spending time with you and your family will do your Mum so much good I'm sure.

    Hang on in there.

    Heather x

  26. Oh my goodness!! Why does life do that - literally the saying - it never rains but it pours, is just so true! Kind of sounds like our life since last Summer but to have it all happen so quickly - wow! You poor things, I truly hope that things only get better!

    Brill news about your daughters school though - it's such a relief when they get the school you want isn't it - my daughter goes to secondary in September!

    All you can do is stick together!
    Take care

  27. Blimey, you do have a lot on your plate at the mo. Well, I hope you have a great weekend with your Mum. Hope things improve soon.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.


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I always try to get back and reply, but sometimes this may take a bit longer as pets and children always seem to need attention around here.

Bobo X

Me Made May 2018

This month I'm taking part in Me Made May, hosted by Zoe of .  Oh and if you head on over to her blog y...