
Tuesday 12 February 2013

Dis' and 'dat

Somebody flicked my energy switch back on today and about time too I say. That was one seriously nasty bout of flu. My poor Mr ended up with acute bronchitis which he's slowly fighting off. He was so very very poorly. 


He has asthma so flu often ends up as pneumonia or bronchitis. He blames Holiday on Ice completely for this situation. After seeing it in Brighton when he was nine his family stood for ages in the snow and chill wind waiting for the bus home. They missed it because the show overan and then he ended up with a poorly weak chest. He cheered himself this weekend reading Geoge Orwell's biography (who he greatly admires). Orwell went from bronchitis to pneumonia and then died of TB at 46 one year older than my man.

This weekend we opted for small pleasures while we got fighting fit again. It was an all round cosy weekend apart from the manic dash on Saturday to Little Bun's extra dance class. She's been picked as part of a group to dance at a show with Pasha and Katya from Strictly so she's beyond excited. All that and hearing on Friday she's passed her 11+ left her "dazed" (her words).

Sunday was a day of comforting bliss. I found the film of Ballet Shoes (Noel Streatfield replaced Enid Blyton in my affections as I grew up) and we wallowed in the daydreams of the past while eating cake snuggled by the fire. Later the Bun's had a good time organising the blocks of my Spring Windmill quilt into some sort of order they were happy with. They've got a good eye and I'm going with their choices. Not long off stitching the blocks together and then I'll be quilting it all together, I can't wait to see how this one will look.

Today two Bun's headed off to school, not just one. I delivered my man safely to work so he wouldn't shatte all over the pavement and then I headed off to explore the delights of yarn and fabric. New colour ways and trims to tempt future crafty project ideas.

Rowan's Big Wool has come up with a few fresh new shades. In fact there were quite a few new yarns to excite me with future possibilities. I bought the Big Wool to cheer me up when I found out that Amy Butler's Belle Organic range has been discontinued. I'm making my Bubblegum Blanket in this and I'm only half-way through so this isn't great news. I'm hopeful I'll track some down from somewhere.

I'm going to try and hook up a cowl with the gold as I've not enjoyed working with the blue Sirdar Big Softie. The pink is for a small scarf from 30 Minute Knits knitted on 12mm broomhandles which I've not tried before.

The other thing I'd not tried before was fairisle. Well I finished the hat last week, it just needs a bobble and we're done. I've learnt a couple of things from making this - 1: watch how tightly I pull the threads at the back, 2: remember if I use DK yarn and go up a needle size to compensate the hat just won't grow into a flat beret shape. Not the hat I started out to make for Little Bun, but she loves it in all its hugeness so what do I know really.


  1. wow no wonder little Bun is excited! Love the wool, you can't beat buying yarn to cheer yourself up :) x

  2. Have you tried looking on eBay for the yarn you need? Sometimes people are still selling off yarns from discontinued ranges.

    I just want to say how much I LOVE the vintage items in your kitchen!!! Have you always had them, or did you buy them? If so, where do you pick them up from?

  3. Glad you are all getting better! Hope you little Ted is too! Enjoy your Crafty Time! :) x

  4. Sorry to hear about Mr Bun, but congrats to Little Bun! We have been thinking about you - my Tall Small passed hers as well and is also very excited!

  5. Fabric and trims look so fresh...can't wait to see what you will do with them...?

    bestest to you to today

    Daisy J

  6. Glad you are all getting better.
    Love the fabric and the rabbit bedcover it just perfect.
    Carol xx

  7. Great choice of reading for your Mr ;) Well done on the fair isle -it's always lovely trying something new and seeing it work!

  8. Hi - glad to hear you're all on the mend. The crafting looks like it's coming on a treat. Have a good week, Chris x

  9. Many congrats to your daughter for her 11+ results and also the dancing opportunity, both very exciting.
    Hope everyone is feeling tip top very soon, the colds seem to be just going round in circles in our house, I am so looking forward to the spring and some health restoring walks!
    Lisa x

  10. Your Fairisle looks fantastic even if it isn't quite the shape you were going for. If you can teach yourself to knit with one colour in each hand that will help your tension from pulling too tight. It's an acquired skill but really worth the effort if you fancy doing more Fairisle.

  11. Clever Little Bun - hope that means she can go to school with her sister in September. Glad you are all feeling better and hopefully some early spring sunshine will magically appear and lift the spirits. Funnily enough I bought an old copy of Ballet Shoes and The Painted Garden in Lewes last week. I loved all her books when I was little. Karen xx

  12. Well done to Little Bun ... and hope Mr Bun is recovering well ... it is miserable to be under the weather ... but spring is on its way and is bound to bring some lovely sunshine and warmth ... fingers crossed ... it is so grey here today and cold too ... wil have to wrap up warm for the school run ... wishing you a happy, healthy week ... Bee xx

    PS Was wondering did you get my last email ... you may think me very rude if you haven't received it :) ... xxx

  13. Lots of pretty things here ... love the fabric shades and trims ... the fairisle looks very tricky (not sure I'd want to tackle that...yet). Glad to hear your family's all on the mend :) Wendy

  14. Glad to hear that you are on the mend and sorry to hear that your man is still poorly. Love the fair isle hat, am still going on my first very simple knitted garment and enjoying it. Black sheep Wools online shop is good for discontinued lines and if you ring them up the ladies are very helpful. I am making my annual pilgrimage to their store next week, my little boy loves running around and looking at all the yarn (they have a comfy sofa and coffee machine for all the bored partners), sorry rambling on now i am just very excited about all that yarn!!! cat x

  15. So sorry to read all the Buns have been poorly Lisa, I do hope you're all back in full fine fettle (don't you just love that phrase?!) very soon!

    Gorgeous hat :D

  16. Goodness you have been through the wars with all your chesty infections - glad to read that the corner has been turned.
    I heartily agree about Mr Orwell - Down and Out in Paris and London was the first book I read that truly shocked me as a teenager (not the first book that I ever read!). I still have that same paperback copy and fished it out again following all the recent brouhaha about Mr O.
    Best wishes


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I always try to get back and reply, but sometimes this may take a bit longer as pets and children always seem to need attention around here.

Bobo X

Me Made May 2018

This month I'm taking part in Me Made May, hosted by Zoe of .  Oh and if you head on over to her blog y...