
Monday 21 October 2013

Nasty then Nice

The start of last week was exceptionally unpleasant. As it's to do with work, I can't be as open as I'd normally be, but I want to mention it as my week hasn't been all hearts and flowers. In the background there's the tinge of something vile and bitter which got the better of me this week and made me so upset I had to leave work. My darling man left his meeting when I called him, dealt with the situation and then came to teach my students as he wanted me to get away. It's at times like these when you feel so raw that you ironically find out how great some people are (I knew that about him of course, I mean other people). Another colleague took me straight to a cafe when I called him and another just stepped in to hold the fort knowing what needed doing.

Underlying all of this I was annoyed that I was putting people out, even though the situation wasn't of my making. I hated feeling weak too as I really like to be in control.

Once I was in the car I just wanted to drive and drive. I love driving and it relaxes me. I knew I'd be twitchy if I went home so I ended up at the end of my drive wandering round a factory shop and picked up some pretty glasses for 90p. 

Then I knew a wee spot of shop visiting would help my mood. When I got to the shop I had in mind I spied a great vintage sheet I'd not seen before. As the shop is run by a collective I was lucky that someone I knew was in that day. She made me a coffee, pushed a stool my way and we just chatted awhile. It was exactly what I needed at that minute and I left feeling so much brighter. The last bit of cheer was added by the reduced Gerbera's from the florists.

Although I still felt shaken, I was definately feeling more like me again. I had just enough time to pop home to give Alfie Blue a cuddle and lose myself in a few more rows of the slowly growing stripy blanket before picking up the girls. They were surprised to see me on a work day which was an added bonus. A bad day had slowly turned good.

The rest of the week went by uneventfully thank heavens. 

On Friday when I was off work, I had a choice - ignore cleaning the house and make things or make the house shine. 

I made the first choice obviously. To start off I picked up the cable beret I've been knitting until I ran out of yarn. Then my mind turned to patchiness. I'm not sure if it's the change of season, but I feel such an urge to change lots of the colours and things in our cottage.

On the back of the leather sofa in the snug room there's a very very old patchwork throw that I picked up at an antiques place years ago. It's torn in places and so I've patched over the rips. Now it just looks old and depressing so a cheery new throw was most definately needed.

I was in the mood to make a quick throw that could be on the sofa the same day so I chopped larger than usual squares.

Once I'd finished the top I had a quick check to see if it was big enough and was thrilled to see I'd guessed right size wise.

After quilting some old and never used Ikea checked fabric to the back, my throw was all done and ready to refresh the sofa. It's such a good feeling when a small plan that's been hanging around in my head gets made and looks just as I wanted it too.
Now only two more days to go before I break up for half-term and the girls the day after. Pure and utter bliss as we're all ready for a rest. We've already lots of plans in our heads.


  1. Wow! We have all had days like that, but you seemed to handle it brilliantly, with a little help from you near and dear! Thank you for sharing some of the lows, it helps!

  2. Horrible when nastiness creeps in and rocks our world ... hope it's all sorted now, and lovely to know that there are people who will step in and help when you need them.

    Love your throw and your home always look shiny and clean!

    Love Claire xxx

  3. Sorry about your trouble at work but glad you had good support and a bit of thrift shopping and friendly chat always helps. The new quilt for your sofa is so delightful and colourful and is sure to brighten the winter days. Lovely vintage sheets seem elusive in NZ. Blessings, Trills

  4. Sweetheart I love your patchiness, I hope work this week is much, much better....enjoy your half term! I'm desparately trying to get my sewing mojo back......I fear it's gone for good! :) x

  5. It can really upset you when something nasty, out of your control happens, but how wonderful to have such lovely people to put the balance back. Do hope this week is less challenging for you, I'd send you sunshine to brighten the day but here in Norfolk it's dark and wet and thoroughly miserable. A day for Bridget Jones and knitting.....

  6. Eh, 'Trouble at t'Mill' yes, been there, done that, NHS abounds with opportunities for people making mischief or crappy work conditions being forced upon one - I'm SO glad to be out of it, though I loved my work and most of my colleagues. How good that you had people around you to enable you to remove yourself from the situation; I hope it resolves for you. And good for you finding solace in simple things. Yes, as Edwina says it's dark and wet here in Norfolk - our bit in West Norfolk is really dreary this morn ing so I shall be playing some music and doing some stitiching `i think. Oh, after the housework OF COURSE!!!! ;) !

  7. Sorry to read the start to your week was so unpleasant, but when we take time out to properly recover, as you did, things often do feel a million times better don't they. Like you my response to foul things isgenerally to just wish I could drive and drive, and sometimes that's what I do. It's not running away if your route is ultimately homewards, is it :)

    Here's hoping you have a fabulous week this week x

  8. It's true that life never runs easily unfortunately. But then it is these little set backs that make the good things shine all the brighter. Remember how lucky you are to have so many big hearted people in your life.
    Rosie xx

  9. You are a star...and appear to have risen above it, taking solace in things and people who love you...the rest does not matter...I do wish you a better start to this week....lots of love as always
    Daisy xxxx

  10. Sorry to hear your start to the week was just so pants. But, happy to hear that things brightened up as the days went on. Your crochet blanket is looking beautiful and I envy your patch working talents.....I have none, and my sewing machine simply does not like me!

    I hope this week is a good one for you xxxxxxxx

  11. Friends and crafting are always the best medicine.
    So glad you felt better by the end of the day.
    You look after yourself.

  12. Dearest Lisa
    So sorry to hear about the nasty beginning to last week. Gosh it sounds like your man and friends are super stars and I am so pleased that you are surrounded by such lovely, caring folk. There is nothing better than the joy of making when things are not so good. It's gentle therapy always helps me to feel I can cope with life better and what talent you have to magic up beautiful blankets and patchy quilts to soothe those nasties away.
    I am so pleased things felt better for you by the end of the week and that this week is much more cheery with the half term up ahead. I too have the week off with Alice next week and can't wait, we are hoping to take a few day trips here and there and wallow in late mornings and cosy times together. Sending love and hugs and sugar and spice and all things nice your way xox Penny

  13. Hoping your nastiness was short lived and work is good this week. I imagine it takes quite a lot to rock you!
    Let the countdown to half term commence - I know I'm ready for it!

  14. I realy believe being creatif,is a great help in our lives, great job , love the vintage sheets

  15. Sorry to hear that you had a horrid time. The throw is lovely, and goes to further prove my theory of the restorative power of a little creativity! Your granny stripe is in such lovely colours, what is the yarn? It looks like something luxurious, hope the break leaves you feeling ready to go back to it! Catx

  16. Dear Lisa - I do hope all is OK. Take heart lovely - I know you would do the same if someone needed your help.

    Nina x

  17. Hoping your week has got a bit better, I think your beautiful blanket was just the thing to take your mind off your troubles, hope all will be sorted for you soon x x x much love Jane x x x

  18. having just been through a very similar experience I can totally sympathise with you.... and it's so true you find out who your friends are! sounds like you found the perfect remedy and have much to feel happy about........ especially that fabulous new patchwork throw! Thinking of you and sending you lots of love for a peaceful and regenerative half term 💛💙💜💚x


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I always try to get back and reply, but sometimes this may take a bit longer as pets and children always seem to need attention around here.

Bobo X

Me Made May 2018

This month I'm taking part in Me Made May, hosted by Zoe of .  Oh and if you head on over to her blog y...