
Monday 6 October 2014

A Whole lot of Stitchy Time

After another long break I'm back again. 
My geriatric laptop refuses to work late at night, but has kindly jumped into action today.

Thanks for all your lovely thoughts about Miss Millie's room. 
Now I promised to show you the coat I made from some beautiful barkcloth  curtains didn't I.

Although I found the fabric at a vintage fair in August I had to wait a while to find exactly the pattern I had in mind. I wanted a 1960's coat, either loose duster or fitted I didn't mind, but I knew I wanted a soft round collar.
I made a twoile of the Princess coat from the Sewing Bee, but the top was way too big and the bottom half far too small. I have a real problem with the sizings of their patterns and if they're to be believed then I'm a size 20.

After a perusal of the patterns in John Lewis I came up with just the pattern I was after. Burda make really straightforward patterns, but assume you know what you're doing so I wouldn't recommend them if you're starting out with dressmaking.


Once I had the pattern, I couldn't wait for my first day off to get cutting into the barkcloth.

All in all it was a pretty straighforward design. Hemming the lining so it wouldn't pull the coat up was the hardest part to be honest.


I had a mustard spot lining in mind, but when I saw this heavier weight grey spot cotton l knew it would be perfect.


I couldn't find the sort of buttons that I wanted so I opted for covering some in the lining fabric.
 I'm really pleased with how they contrast with the rose print.


The coat is such a comfy easy shape to wear. It has dropped shoulders and side panels in the sleeves and coat body to give it more ease. Perfect for fitting over roomy winter jumpers.

I don't have any particularly good photos of me wearing the coat. 
This is the best there is l'm afraid.


 When I wore it to work one teacher guessed I'd made it as the sleeves were extra long which is unheard of when you're tall.

That same week I found a ball of cashmerino yarn in eggy yellow that went perfectly with my new Dusty Coat. 
I've knitted up a pair of Butterfly wristwarmers from Tiny Owl Knits that are waiting for a pair of delicate butterflies to land on them.

When it gets a bit chillier I also have a beautiful 1950's Harris Tweed jacket to wear. 
I found this on a very hot day in August and knew straight away that it was special.

It's single breasted with the buttons fastening far over to the left. I just need to be adding some missing buttons.

As always I'm busy making lots more things. One project is finished and I've already been thinking of a ton more to start. I've also booked into two Christmas markets so there's lots of things needing to be made for those too.

The red apple yarn has already become a top and the green fabric is cut waiting to be sewn into another Megan dress. As for now I've no ideas what I'm going to do with the yellow Erica Knight yarn, but I keep thinking a ball of the same in pink would make something warm and stripy.

I whipped up a cover for Miss Rosey's iPad mini so that it doesn't suffer the same broken screen fate of mine. 

To be honest I've been having a lot of fun with felt lately. I'm making brooches and dingly dangly festive houses galore.

So that's what I've been up to lately.
 Best to get off and get some more sewing time in before the school run and the working week beckons.



  1. I completely LOVE your coat and I have just ordered some of the gorgeous red Holiday Hostess fabric that you have in your first photo. Well done, the coat is fab.

  2. I love your coat!!! Tres chic! Love the little felty houses especially their sparkly roofs, they are so cute and will be very good sellers for you I hope. Happy crafting! xx

  3. Oh, I just love that splendid coat you made! Too cute! :D I've just recently found your blog & am in l-o-v-e! ^_^

  4. Gosh, you've been very busy. Love all your makes, especially your coat. Looks fabulous on you.
    Jacqui x

  5. At the risk 'of repeating myself, you are a clever old thing! The coat is just lovely, but the Harris Tweed jacket is my favourite. That fabric just gets better as it gets older I think. Loving the little houses too, so colourful.

  6. Oh, it's all too lovely! Congrats and hugs xx

  7. Your coat is so cool! Really well done.

  8. Your coat is fab! You're one clever lady :) x

  9. Love reading your blog and am amazed at how much you seem to fit in as well as running a family and job . Puts me to shame . I suppose if I didn't read so much I would create more ! Thank you again x

  10. Wow! I am so I pressed!
    Do you sleep? How do you do it all?
    I curtsey in your presence x

  11. L you are looking gooooooooood !! Coat is amazing, lining a perfect match and looks like a very expensive coat...Win Win Win..
    I agree with you about these burda patterns too and have linked to your post in mine....
    Daisy j x

  12. Oh my! The coat! It's a beauty. You clever, clever thing you. xx

  13. What an AMAZING coat - love it!!!!!
    Sandra x

  14. It's turned out fantastic! and the most amazing use of the fabric, (keep on looking at it as I have the strangest feeling I sold a length of this years ago) you've been so busy. Did you make the pretty brooch on your jacket?

  15. Wow, the coat is so beautiful and unique. I admire your tailoring skills. And the hand warmers really add some sing.
    I have no idea how you manage a family, work and create all that you do.

  16. I feel SO much better now that you have said the pattern reckons you are a size 20! when you are clearly sizes and sizes smaller. I actually am an 18/20 in bought clothes and when I bought a pattern to make a circular skirt it reckoned I was about size 24 which horrified me no end obviously. As I know absolutely nothing about dress making and this is my first attempt I am put off starting in case I get the sizing wrong and waste my fabric. Any tips for the sizing? Shold I go with the outrageous pattern sizing or stick to the size I am in stores?


Thanks for stopping by and leaving me a comment. I read all of them and really appreciate you taking the time to say hello.
I always try to get back and reply, but sometimes this may take a bit longer as pets and children always seem to need attention around here.

Bobo X

Me Made May 2018

This month I'm taking part in Me Made May, hosted by Zoe of .  Oh and if you head on over to her blog y...