
Wednesday, 4 November 2015

A Long Forgotten Place of Mine

How long has it been? I'm really not sure to be honest. 

Somehow my blog, taking colourful creative photos and writing short tales of our days around those same pictures has been packed away with all our worldy goods.

I'm not sure if blogs get read in the same way as they did when I first started tapping away all those years ago. I still intend to get back in the writing saddle again once I finishing putting the shapes of our new life together. I think something new and fresh will be needed along with the new me that is emerging. I haven't really changed all that much just found that life has taken me on a different path. 

My girls and I spent the summer at my mum's house while all of our possessions, the things that we believe give our lives shape, were packed away. By late summer I knew the time had come to find a home for the three of us. It didn't take long to find exactly the home I knew we needed. A city pad where they could walk to school each day and I could work full-time. 

I didn't look for work until the summer was over so I could be there for them. 
We visited a few places, but ignored the old stomping grounds. The Museum of Childhood was new to us and we'd wanted to visit for a while so that's just what we did. 

A few bits of fabric found their way to me on my travels.

As did Afternoon Teas.

Then the summer started to draw to a close and on September 1st Miss Rosey turned fifteen. 

I'm not sure how she skilfully talked me into hiring a bell tent for a weekend party but she did. I'm glad though as nine girls came and they had a blast. By the light of the moon they raced over the golf course at the bottom of my mum's garden and then in the morning they hunted each other water pistols at the ready.

The next evening Miss Millie had her friends over for a movie night in the tent. 

I was the only one not to sleep under canvas. I did ask my man if he fancied a sleepover in the garden, he looked at me and laughed thank goodness.

So ... my girls are getting older. We've swapped the country for the city and I have to be a grown-up and go and work full-time to keep this show on the road. There's lots of fun in the middle of all this as well as teething pains and problems too. 

It's not easy trying to balance a new relationship, one that is really good and makes me very happy indeed, with being a mum to my girls who still need me. I've been told that it's happened too soon by those who live life in the shadows, but life doesn't follow according to a tight schedule. If something wonderful comes along then only a fool would refuse it.

I think this has been my least creative year of all with anything textiley, but when I stop to think then I know I've been so busy creating a new life that that has to be enough for now. It will all come back again once I unpack those boxes.

I did manage to have a taste of stitchery at my friend Cat"s of Lulumama fame session with our WI group. My brain wasn't really on what I was making at all. It was being surrounded by friends and chatting while we stitched that was the blissful part.

Just before we moved house I started working as Project Support for a friend. 
The following week we moved house and I had an interview for a grown up managerial job in Children's Services. Sadly I didn't get it, but I realise my head was all over the show. So slow steps are needed sometimes. I'm still looking and applying for that right job all the same.

The weekend before we moved house I panicked thinking of all our furniture from a big cottage and wondering how on earth it was going to squeeze into a terrace. 

Turns out it did. You know in the kind of way where you can't get to sit on anything or find anything, but know it's all in there somewhere.

It was really exciting that week. The sun shone and I worked like a dervish unpacking and putting a kitchen and bedrooms together. 

I took a couple of weeks making our home as liveable in as possible and then we all moved in properly late one Sunday. 

I've been buying a few much needed things for this new home and life too. 

My bed was the most exciting buy. The type of bed I dreamed of having for years. I even treated myself to Orla Kiely bedding. Well this beautiful new bed deserved being well dressed after all didn't it.

I have new sofa's coming soon and I also found some beautiful barkcloth that I'm tempted to turn into curtains. Maybe with a matching dress for when we play hide and seek!

As life in our new home takes shape and the girls pop into town to see friends and bring friends home after school, I feel thrilled with this place that I found for us. It's even got a great little pub a stumble away which man and I have sampled on a few occasions. What good planning that was too.

There you have it. Life has lots of sunshine. You just have to keep on looking for it not look the other way. 


  1. Yay, you are keeping me focused. Loving that barkcloth too! X

  2. I check everyday to see if you are back. It took a while for me to realize you had Instagram! I hope you find the most wonderful job there can be!
    Many happy blessings your way!

  3. So lovely to hear from you again.Life seems to be going really well for you now.?Thank goodness after a dire time.What a strong person you are and such a role model for your girls.Hope the new relationship works out well.

  4. I've quietly followed your blog for some time now, and it's refreshing to visit a place that's not full of ads or promoting this and that, but filled with little bits of the creative journey that you're on. I'm glad that you've settled into a place of your own and started on your new life! Love the barkcloth and your new bed!

  5. Welcome back, we've missed you. So glad you're getting back in the saddle, and I hope just the right job pops up soon. Enjoy these precious days with your girlies - they grow and leave the nest all too quickly. Great news that you've found a special someone, as well as a lovely new home. ENJOY!!! xx

  6. So happy to 'hear' your voice again. What a year it has been for you all. What a year the next one will be too I know it a superb one!
    So looking forward to meeting up with you and some more ig/blogger girlies next year. Lisa my love you have come so so far...keep going. Ash x

  7. Lovely to hear from you again, and to know that you and your girlies are doing well. When my marriage ended I met a wonderful man, too soon some said, but I went with it and 15 years on I couldn't be happier and my daughter regards him as her dad. I'd say go with your heart and grab what life gives you xx

  8. Hello, it's so lovely to see you again. I love your new hair do, it suits you beautifully. :) I'm so glad things are slowly but surely working out for you and your girls. I'm sure you all feel like you've been hit by a train these last months.
    A home is what we make it whether it is a cottage, a terrace, a tent or a caravan. You have such a wonderful way with making a home, I know you will all be very happy. Wishing you success in finding the right job for you and enjoy that new man in your life, life is for living. Big hugs and love to you and your girls.
    Anne xx

  9. Hello again and so happy to hear from you. Life does go on and sounds like you are having a wonderful new beginning.

  10. I have missed your posts and it's lovely to have you back. I am so pleased that life is on the up for you and your girls. Good luck in your new home and with the job hunting. Your girls have such a great role model. xx

  11. Do you know how happy this post makes me? It's great how your new life is shaping up, and as long as you, and your girls are happy, who cares about the pace of things? Life throws us opportunities, it's up to us what we do with them! :) xxx

  12. A beautiful blog post its good to hear how happy you are life is far to short to not take the chances that life throws our way. At the end of the day its about you and your girls as your living your life and no one else. Embrace it the best way you can. Your new home sounds beautiful and I love your new bed :-) Good luck with the job search. Be happy, dee x

  13. Well done on finding your new home, and getting through what must have been an upsetting and difficult time, still with a smile on your lovely face and positivity in your heart. I'm sure there were dark days, but this post is so happy and uplifting, and well, positive, that those dark days are behind you now and it's sunshine all the way. Well, apart from this pesky drizzly, mizzly stuff that doesn't seem to want to leave my corner of Norfolk any time soon! A year after my first husband died and I was a young widow with two small children, I met Himself. My ex inlaws frowned on us, some openly hostile, saying it was too soon. But as you say, when something good comes into your life after a bad time, you'd be foolish to let it pass by. I didn't, and almost forty years on, we're still going strong. I wish you joy with your new man, your new life. Like the new man, the new job will just come into your life I'm sure. Lovely to see you posting again, you've been missed.

  14. That house was just meant to be yours! Just think of all the time saved from driving back and forth to town - time you can enjoy doing fun things xx

  15. Have fun and enjoy your life. It's never too soon to find happiness. x

  16. So pleased all is continuing to flow for you all... may your dream job flow in too...
    That mustardy Barkcloth is gorgeous!! if you ever fancy selling any of it I'd like to be first in the cue please... yeah right... hugs xx

  17. Everyone has said it all already. It's great to know you are doing well. xxx

  18. I'm so glad that life is on the up for you and becoming more settled Lisa. And you know what?........Life is short. Grab the happiness when it comes along, and if it works for you, the don't even give a thought to what anyone else says. New beginnings, New adventures. There really is sunshine in the you's about not looking the other

  19. May the sun continue to shine on you.

  20. Great sigh of relief to have you back. Very happy things are moving along for you and your girls. Being strong and staying "Mostly Sunny".....that's what it's all about.

  21. So glad you are back, I have missed you. Enjoy your new life in the city, we hope to move there ourselves before long, I shall look for you in all the crafty places!
    Best wishes for you and your girls with your new adventures.

  22. So glad you are back, I have missed you. Enjoy your new life in the city, we hope to move there ourselves before long, I shall look for you in all the crafty places!
    Best wishes for you and your girls with your new adventures.

  23. How lovely to 'hear' from you again. I'm so happy for you all in your new home with a new beginning ahead - trust in your instincts, and enjoy each day as it comes.Love to you all xx

  24. Yay! You sound so happy Lisa! We all knew it would be ok in the end, you had all of us routing for you after all! xx

  25. Yay, girly girly missed you here in bloggyland. I, too, agree that it may be best to have some time between, but love is a strange thing. My husband came along only 6 months after my split (I had 2 boys). Any who, we have been together 18 years and happily married for 14. Be joyful.

  26. Yay, girly girly missed you here in bloggyland. I, too, agree that it may be best to have some time between, but love is a strange thing. My husband came along only 6 months after my split (I had 2 boys). Any who, we have been together 18 years and happily married for 14. Be joyful.

  27. Lovely to see you back. his year has been a whirlwind for lots of us it seems, some good some less good. Your hair looks FAB! Totally changes the shape of your face. Oh dear, ow that sounds back handed - you know what I mean! A new house, a new man a new life. Your future will reveal itself to you gradually, don't push, that job will come along when it's meant to. All the very best for a great future! Lx

  28. What a wonderful catch up!
    I'd been saving this for Saturday morning as my weekend treat.
    Such a lovely happy post full of colour and laughter x

  29. It's wonderful to have you back. I've really missed reading your blog. I'm glad your life is on an upswing and yay, for the new man in your life. I'm glad you have been able to take your time getting you and the girls settled and it's really great that you are in town with things so close by. You will find a job when it's time. Just keep on the way you are going. It seems to me that you have it all together.

  30. It seems like it is good news all around, I am happy for you. Take life with both hands and enjoy it to the full. xx

  31. gan good job, this article is very interesting to note, cool deh,, of course we have new insights that we get after reading it, thanx yah :-)

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I always try to get back and reply, but sometimes this may take a bit longer as pets and children always seem to need attention around here.

Bobo X

Me Made May 2018

This month I'm taking part in Me Made May, hosted by Zoe of .  Oh and if you head on over to her blog y...