
Sunday 18 January 2009

A peek inside

I bought this ironing board at a car boot in the summer. I had planned to sell it on, but I didn't hide it very well. Once the buns spy something then it ends up staying here. Mr Bun is just as bad, he wishes I sold something dull then he wouldn't keep stealing the stock. So, this morning I finally got round to recovering the board with some pretty repro fabric covered in kittens, ducks and teddies. I'd also wanted a vintage toy iron for the buns to use, but in the end gave up and settled on this elderly travel iron which came in it's original tin. The only problem is that it's pretty heavy, so hopefully they won't drop it. They also have a child sized clothes horse to hang all the ironing on. When they saw it this morning they got loads of the dolls ironing done and neatly folded up in the egg basket. Why can't someone make it this fun for me?

As the light was good today, I took a few pictures of our home to show you. Mr Blue wanted to be in the first one as he thinks he's the star turn. When we moved here two years ago all the walls were a pale apricot and the doors and woodwork varnished to a nasty shade of orange. So there's been lots of painting going on and still tons more to do.

This is the first room you come into after the porch. It had the brightest red carpet to match the red tiles on the fireplace. It was one of those rooms we rushed through, but now it's painted and has reclaimed victorian floorboards laid on the concrete floor we love being in here. I'm probably going to take a bit of it over for me to work in as I'm getting fed up with the dining table.

The stairs are in this room. We can't agree about these. Me, I want to paint the treads white and put down a runner, Mr Bun likes them all black paint and patchy pine. One is a really easy option though so it's a bit tempting.

This is Mabel Angel. I first made angels for the buns last christmas and now I make them by commission. As they are more mature angels they have big handbags to keep their musical bells in.

Mr Bun has a thing for robots and Golly's. Mabel keeps some of the boys in line though as she's incredibly bossy, actually all the girls here are.

I love pinhead dolls. These three sit on our bedroom chest of drawers with the beautiful dancing lady behind.

My favourite one is in the sitting room and has a black bob like me. Hopefully more pennies will be saved and I can get some more one day soon.

At the end of a lovely weekend I made this cake for tea, decorated by the buns and now missing quite a few slices. The plates are really special to us. They belonged to my auntie Betty who was more of a grandmother to me. She would always serve traditional teas with salmon sandwiches and cream buns. On my last visit to her with the buns we ate pink iced buns off these plates, so they are now part of our important memories.


  1. that cake!
    that blue sofa!
    beautiful, beautiful, beautiful
    t x

  2. Hi Bobo Bun
    I love your cottage its so gorgeous. Looks lovely and homely. The ironing board is so sweet. I wish mine still played with things like that. Big girl thinks she is a teenager! Has real bratitude! sometimes, mostly an angel though mmm???.
    The plates are so sweet especially that they hold lots of nice memories. When my friends have birthdays, we act posh and afternoon tea in the garden, cakes and finger sandwitces. I do love afternoon teas. Its nice china cups , plates and so much fun too x Dom

  3. A BIG WELCOME to the blogland!
    Your cakes, and Creations too!
    You are very t.a.l.e.n.t.e.d!
    I`m looking forward to come to visit you often!
    Debbie Moss

  4. Hello...your blog is so cute!
    I love your home and all the items you have made.....thank you for popping to see me!

    I just adore the ironing board!xx

  5. Hi Bobo Bun - it's lovely to see when the Bun family's definately a cosy burrow. Thank you for sharing it with us...

  6. OH i just found your blog so pretty your home is.
    love all the names you have given everyone

  7. I'm so glad you left me a comment, because now I've found your wonderful blog! I'm enjoying reading it enormously................... your house is beautiful, and I'm crazy for vintage like you!


Thanks for stopping by and leaving me a comment. I read all of them and really appreciate you taking the time to say hello.
I always try to get back and reply, but sometimes this may take a bit longer as pets and children always seem to need attention around here.

Bobo X

Me Made May 2018

This month I'm taking part in Me Made May, hosted by Zoe of .  Oh and if you head on over to her blog y...