
Sunday 7 November 2010

Cables & Sparkles

I realised the other day I'm never going to finish half the stuff I've started, so I might aswell get sidetracked and start some more new projects while I'm at it. I got out my knitting books for a bit of eye candy fun and ended up lusting after this pink sweater. Now I've never been great at cabling so I thought perhaps I'd better start small first and have a practice on something else first.

That's how I came to be making these creamy cabled wristwarmers for Eldest Bun. I found some Rowan Cocoon in the bottomless cupboard of stashed yarn to use. I bought it to make a cardigan, knitted the back and then stupidly lent the book the pattern was in to someone I was teaching to crochet. I've never seen them since, so that taught me to not lend expensive books out.

We had a fabulous time on Saturday night having our own Bonfire Party. A few friends popped over, the kids screeched, with delight at the fireworks; Alfie howled at being parted from his master and then we cosied up indoors to eat and drink until we were merry.
I was busy being a good hostess and having fun so I forgot to take any pictures once everyone got here, but anyway you all know what a firework looks like. Just say an ooohhh and aaaahh and you'll have the full picture of it all.

Hope you all had a great weekend whatever you got up to.


  1. Goody for eldest bun, I bet she'll love the wrist warmers. Lovely photos by the way.

  2. looks like a lovely night. I really like the jumper looks gorg and warm good luck with that. Can't wait to see the wrist warmers to what a cute idea. Dee ;-))

  3. so glad you had a great evening ,i have two terrified little dogs ,so have had to stay in with telly and radio on loud to drowned out the bangs and wushes,so nice to be at your bonfire party through you post though! really like the wrist warmers,fab. Linda x x

  4. Oooh and an ahhh - lovely fireworks :-)

    Lovely wrist warmers.

  5. Looks like a fun night.

    I have a terrible habit of not finishing anything that I start. Often things get thrown into the too hard basket and then I start something else.

  6. I am loving wrist warmers - making lots of pairs to give as Christmas presents - so easy, yet so effective. x

  7. Looking forward to seeing the wristwarmers and the jumper, it's gorgeous!!
    Vivienne x

  8. Your philosophy sounds just like mine at the minute. The wristwarmers are looking fab, can't wait to see them finished.

  9. Love the pink jumper. I found I kept "not finishing" knitting but don't seem to have the same problem with crochet.
    How unkind of the person to keep your pattern book.
    Carol xx

  10. I love the ooohs and ahhhs of bonfire night, even hiding behind the door as our trampolene was peppered with smouldering holes I managed a few! Your evening sounds fab x x x x x

  11. That jumper looks gorgeous, I have pink on my mind at the moment and so it defnitely appeals, also the fact that i am knitting my hubby a cables beanie at the first attempt at cables and can't believe how fancy they look but are so simple to do..deep joy xox

  12. I've discovered a phrase... divine discontent. Apparently it is to be applied to all the unfinished, leftover stuff in life because it is this stuff which keeps us trundling towards improvement... does that make sense. I found a whole heap of self help books in the op shop recently and I'm picking through them cutting out the bits I like and throwing the rest in the too hard basket.
    I'm not sure the idea behind the books is to only do the bits you like... but horses for courses. I'm thinking I could write my own book actually... what do you think of the title "Help yourself be a better hedonist without breaking a sweat'?

  13. The party sounds great, glad you all had fun! I love the wrist warmers, and the idea of cabling again, would make a change from fair isle. Lookig forward to seeing you and Teena at the Pick n'Mix Market. I've pinched your poster for my blog so I can shout about it! Penny x


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I always try to get back and reply, but sometimes this may take a bit longer as pets and children always seem to need attention around here.

Bobo X

Me Made May 2018

This month I'm taking part in Me Made May, hosted by Zoe of .  Oh and if you head on over to her blog y...