
Tuesday 8 March 2011

A day of Lemons

Thoughts of Lemons and Spring have been inspiring a lot of my making lately. Our home looks like it needs a lick of paint, a change of colours and really a good old bit of oooompaaah. I've been flicking through my folder of pictures for ideas and it's the zesty colours that make me feel most joyful.

Our bedroom is the room that's bothering me the most. It's the only room we've never touched in the four years we've been here. I've ideas for it, but no time at the moment apart from some quick fixes.

First quick fix I've gone for is cushion making. With thoughts of zesty colours and a spring freshen up I knew exactly which fabrics I wanted to use from my stash. After a large choccy Brownie and a mocha coffee I was ready to start cutting a few patchy squares.

It's a very big cushion I'm covering so lots of squares were needed. It took a bit of jigging back and forth until they were in a pattern that was just right.

I was in a hurry to get them all stitched together neatly in their rows as I have ideas for much more for this cushion. Once I have a plan I get impatient to get to the end to see how it all works out. Sometimes (well generally most of the time) real life means I have to stop working. School ends and I need to be there to collect the Bun's, work days come around, a Bun is ill or just the usual stuff of our days interrupts and I have to wait to start my making again. That's how it was with this cushion cover. Suddenly it was 3pm and I had to put my needle down for a while. That's how it's been with the skirt I started a while back and have been getting on with slowly around this and that. I can show you one of the pockets and I promise to show you the rest once it's all properly finished.

The same goes for my cushion. I'm all excited to get going again, but today was Pancake Day and I was needed to stand by a hot pan for what seemed an age when we got home. The Bun's were very happy that teatime was just tons of chocclately and lemon sugar pancakes. It turned into a sociable tea too as a friend stopped by with her daughter. Just as well I'd made a bucket full of batter. By the time the Bun's were finally in bed I was too zonked out to get my stitching head on again. So another day very soon my cushion will be finished. Along with the jumper, scarf, Polly Dolly, Elsie Elephant, Mister Rabbit, skirt and all the other stuff I seem to have started and then get interrupted from finishing.

When we curled up much later by the fire the only thing we had the energy for was to attack the Quality Street I'd bought yesterday. 


  1. Love your sweet sweet blog...just so much fun and colour...makes my heart happy today...came over from teawagontales and so glad I did ...I will be back for sure. xoxo

  2. Im loving your fabrics what a great stash and i can't wait to see your patchwork cushion great idea i get so much inspiration by visiting your blog. love the fabric of the pocket on your skirt to. And those sweet little poodles at the end of your post, good luck with your projects dee x

  3. I know the feeling Lisa, what is it about Spring that it makes you look round your home and suddenly see so much that needs doing. And then there's the garden! It's never ending. Look forward to seeing your finished cushion...
    hen xxx

  4. Hi the photo on the right is my friends kitchen. It was strange - in a good way - to see it pop up on your blog. My claim to fame albeit tiny is that my vintage quilt was featured in the article. If you still have it all its the one on her grand-daughters bed.

  5. Isn't making pancakes exhausting! I nodded off on the sofa last night and ended up in bed super early. Maybe I'm just a whimp!

    What lovely zesty colours, very cheery for the start of a new season. Our bedroom has never been touched either, 3 1/2 years after moving in. I just pile in more eiderdowns and fabrics and look at those instead of the dreary walls!

    Have a super day.

  6. Life is like that sometimes and the crafty side just gets pushed to one side for another day! So frustrating though. Can't wait to see your cushion, I love all those pretty fabrics. dev x

  7. I love how Spring makes you want to start afresh - a lick of paint here or a couple of cushions there.

    It's a feeling like no other and I don't seem to have with the begining of the other seasons.

    Have a fabulous day,

    Nina xxx

  8. I have to confess there was no pancake making in our shed yesterday. My girls are not really that enthralled with them usually so it seems a lot of bother just to throw it away!

    I do love your patchwork cushion. I know what you mean about the stopping and starting nature of our craft projects! I do admire those that seem to do so much with their days and feed the children too! lol.

    My kitchen is driving me mad at the mo. It is looking tired and blah. But having done the living room just before christmas and hoping to start on our garden I think it might have to wait. *sigh* and I have seen some lovely blinds too!

    MBB x

  9. Well at least you had the energy to attack the Quality Street, now things would be bad if you couldn't manage that!!!! :)
    Love the fabrics you used in your cushion!
    Vivienne x

  10. The patchworks look lovely, look forward to seeing it finished, keep thinking I MUST get on with that pile of fabrics upstairs.....but as always, time zips on by......
    Now I have the fancies for chocolate brownies!!!!..................

    Nattie x

  11. Pictures of loveliness. Thank you for your inspiration. x

  12. There are always so many ideas and not enough time. Can't wait to see how the cushion turns out. You have a lovely collection of fabric to choose from.

  13. I love the bright colours and look forwards to seeing your finished patchwork! x

  14. My mum made pancakes for my tribe so I didnt have to do them at home, but made loads at work to sell to our students in aid of Comic Relief - and I must say it was really exhausting work (and by the time I had finished I just could not face eating a pancake either!!).

    Lovely fabrics, really springy!


  15. So busy, so much energy. But beautiful cushions in the mean time!!

  16. Your vintage patchwork colours for your cushion are very beautiful. I think spring is a good time for patchwork and continue to get inspiration from you and other blogs. My sewing machine is up in our attic which is partially converted but not heated! So i have to wait till it gets a bit warmer xox I have the same habit of what feels like 100's of WIP's , its always glorious when you finish a project x

  17. Loving your patchwork pattern, I am doing a little quilt and the fabrics are so similar...don't know why that would surprise me :) as for lemons...I can't look at Keith Lemon now with out giggling about your comment on the toilet roll people :) :) :)
    Have a lovely weekend
    Jane x x x x x

  18. But did you finish your brownie... that's the really important bit? Can't wait to see that skirt, x

  19. Cushion will be so wonderful. I just love Quality Street candy.

  20. Hi Lisa, glad your back and I love your patch work! fliss xxx


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Bobo X

Me Made May 2018

This month I'm taking part in Me Made May, hosted by Zoe of .  Oh and if you head on over to her blog y...