
Sunday 17 April 2011

Sweet Things

It's getting a bit like the countdown to christmas here with the Buns forever asking "how many days to Easter?". What they really mean is when's the Easter Bunny coming, because Easter's already begun here.

I keep thinking of cheery Springtime decorations I can make to cheer up corners that need a splodge of colour. Last night as I walked past the kitchen window, I thought I know what that needs. So off I went to pick fabrics and started cutting and sewing. Not the best timing really as Mr Bun was busy putting together a picnic tea for us all. I sewed as quickly as I could, banged in a couple of nails and tied my bunting up all as tea was being served. Sometimes you have to go with the mood when it grabs you.

Today I've decided is a day of feasting and gardening. I wonder how long before they find the choccy treats I put out this morning?

Bunny and chick biscuits are baking in the oven and will probably be scoffed before they've cooled down.

Best get in the garden and work up an appetite first.

Hope you're having a lovely weekend too.


  1. Always love all your pretty bits and bobs. Love the sweet little chick egg cup and the green jug - is it Meakin Glamour?
    Enjoy your day

  2. I'm so impressed that you just whipped up that bunting whilst tea was being prepared, I take FOREVER to get anything done! Your kitchen window looks fantsticoco, love it.

    I've just been out to my chicken run and have realised I need to do some gardening in there. It's so over grown, there's an actual tree growing in there! A sapling right in front of the door to the coop. I was planning on collecting some new chickens this week too. The fox got my last 4 girls about a year ago and I was too upset to get any more straight away. So it has become a bit (a LOT) unruly in there. Your garden looks so neat, hard to believe your chickens trot about in there, my chickens used to ransack mine when I let them out.


  3. Lovely pictures, the bunnies in the jug are just soooooo cute!

    I havent tried making bunting yet, perhaps I will one day, although my good friend sue from CraftsQueen@Home does it so well I dont think I would hang up my efforts while she is visiting!!

    Are all those choc treats going to stay intact until Easter ;)


  4. Love the bunting!! :)
    That all sounds like a perfect Sunday to me!
    Vivienne x

  5. Your colors are so beautiful! Everything looks so pretty! What a lucky family you have!,

  6. Everything is lookign so chery in your colourful hoem Lisa. I absolutley love the view from your kitchen window, such a lovely garden. The type to have adventures and lazy afternoons in.

    Enjoy those chocs, I'm trying to resist but failing miserably!
    Take care, love

  7. Mmm I hope the easter bunny finds my garden!!

    Just spent the whole day outside, lush,
    didnt find any chocolate though!


  8. aaawww what a sweet post those biscuits look yummy. We don't do anything for Easter i am not religious i do hide the boys easter eggs and make an easter cake but that's it. Its nice to see what others do tho ;-) dee x

  9. I am a firm believer that you can never have enough bunting!!

    I started weeding this afternoon - think it might taken me some time!!

  10. I love all your sweet pics - and the fab speedy bunting too!
    Helen x

  11. I love the bunting! And the garden looks very lovely, too.

    Pomona x

  12. Every window should have bunting. Love the vintage cookie cutters.

  13. What happy spots of color and joy around your home! You were right to sew that bunting, sometimes you simply must just have at it!

  14. Sorry to hear Little Bun has been poorly, and very glad to hear she's recovered well. Some nice treats for her recovery you've got there, and the bunting makes the window, it's LOVELY! Love Vanessa xxx


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I always try to get back and reply, but sometimes this may take a bit longer as pets and children always seem to need attention around here.

Bobo X

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