
Thursday 25 August 2011

Sunshine on the Right days

Here I am, just in the nick of time for a mid week catch up before we hurtle into the joys of a long bank holiday weekend. 

Every weekend's been a long one for us though as Mr Bun's taken off Friday and Monday each week. Got to have some perks for all the hard slog of being self-employed. Mind you as we race off for adventures with me chauffering he usually sorts business stuff out with phone calls here and there.

This Monday we ended up with a picnic further down the coast in Suffolk. Now this is a real beach Mr Sussex Bun declares, none of that sandy stuff here. I agree. I love the look of sand, building sandcastles and all, but I've always hated feeling gritty.

Once we'd munched our lunch I even managed a few peaceful minutes with my eyes shut just enjoying the wind on my face and listening to the sea.

Then it was down to the serious job of Best in class pebble, Ugliest pebble and strangest pebble. 

After watching this boat glide along the shoreline we headed off for a spot of serious sailing ourselves.

We sat on our other yacht so no racing today. The little boy at the other end had a great sailing technique. He threw his boat in, yelled plop in delight and then grabbed it again. Pure pleasure.

After a long walk along the shore and back down the high street we couldn't resist the temptations of a cream tea lazing on a hotel terrace. Reminded me in such a tiny way of the days when I was pregnant with Eldest and we spent most weekends in hotels generally indulging after a long week teaching. This time there was no lazing around before being served dinner. Instead a long drive home and then giving in and saying yes to a bike ride.

I did plan a car boot rummage today, but it just didn't happen so we hit the charity shops instead. Sixteen videos in one haul (the Bun's are working through the best of the 80's and 90's and went a bit mad). Little Bun spied Shirlee lamb and I knew I couldn't leave her behind.

We also popped into my friend Ruth's shop Glory Days for a catch up and I couldn't resist this small jug. Ruth is changing her business and so September 3rd will be her last day in the shop. If you're out and about pop in and see what she has for sale as this might be your last chance for a while.

The rest of today was spent with a lovely friend who had me drooling over her amazing vintage finds, fabric stash and makes of late. I wanted to steal her formica rose printed table badly.

Before I go a hello to my new followers too, thankyou for stopping by. 


  1. i love your sheepie! how sweet!, hard to resist some vintage treasures isnt it?...that jug is lovely too. Myself and twinny get excited about dvd's n vids in the charity shops- especially the old ones from our childhood.
    The photos from the stoney beach look really beautiful- reminds me of trips to Suffolk coastlines when i was little- my dad used to drive us to Sizewell beach on really stormy days to watch the crashing waves and we knew an artist in one the fishing mans cottages...awww happy memories, delightful blog- looks like you had great fun ;0)

  2. What a great game for the beach! Will have to use it next time I take the kids down...ugliest stone - that's inspired!! Looks like you had a lovely day.

    Really like the little jug. Does your friend sell stuff online?

    Dawn xx

  3. gorgeous pic of your daughter xx

  4. What a lovely day out!
    The little lamb is adorable.

  5. I really like the lamb, she deserves a good spot somewhere. Lovely holidaying's so unfair the holidays will have to end....x
    Nattie x

  6. I love all your photos, so very different to our scorching hot summer here in Australia. It looks so heavenly to me, pebbly beaches & miniture sailing boats. Great op shopping by the way, the jug is stunning.

  7. What lovely photos. We are having lots of long weekends this month too and we have really enjoyed it. We were in your part of the world last weekend - loved it. Take a peek if you have a moment!

  8. lovely pics, I too love pebbly beaches but seem to fall over a lot on that normal???
    happy days :)
    love from Jane x x x

  9. Lovely pictures and looks like you had great weather,what a lovely blue sky!
    Great buys too,love the sheep.

  10. Certainly spoilt for choice of pebbles there aren't you :)

    Haven't sailed our boats on the pond for ages - I think now the boys are too old. I need to borrow some smaller children.

  11. Your pictures cheer me up and give me a summerfeeling...thanx!


  12. hi , looks like you had a lovely day on the beach , me and my three had planned a trip to the coast these holidays and a picnic on the beach but the weather here hasnt been too good and time has slipped away , maybe wele try next week before they all go back to schoolx

  13. Oh my, great photos! We are need of a trip to the beach, we have some how let the summer go by without one!
    Lovely treasures you've got too!


Thanks for stopping by and leaving me a comment. I read all of them and really appreciate you taking the time to say hello.
I always try to get back and reply, but sometimes this may take a bit longer as pets and children always seem to need attention around here.

Bobo X

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