
Tuesday 14 August 2012

Getting on with Jobs

Weeks ago my bike got a puncture. With all the rain that was happening, it didn't seem to matter too much that I couldn't go for a jaunt on it. Then when the lovely weather turned up the Bun's and I wanted to go off cycling here and there, but we couldn't because my bike was broke. When I tried to get the wheel off I couldn't because the nut was screwed on too tight. I tried, then Mr Bun tried, but neither of us could get it to budge. In the end I asked the very nice bike shop man if he would come all the way to our house to help. My car's far too small to fit the bike in and Mr Bun is carless and using the bus at the moment (which when you live in the middle of nowhere with only a few buses is pretty rubbish).

Well, the nice bike shop man came over on Saturday and did the wheel mending stuff for me. So early on this morning all three of us hopped on our bikes and went for an explore around our parts.  The picture was taken when we were sat in a field trying to dangle fruit pastilles on our tongues. The loser being the first one to chew.

Either side of the bike ride I've been sewing. I helped Little Bun sew her first ever bunting on the machine set at tortoise speed to stop her sewing her fingers to it. Mainly though I was getting back to the dress I started before we went away.

I'd bought 3 metres of the finest cotton roses fabric (which I think is from the 80's), cut out all the shapes, but not got any further. To be honest I think I was a bit nervous about screwing it all up and wasting my lovely fabric. I'd made dresses for Kitty the doll and for Miss Rosey, but never one for me. 

I'm a typical awkward shape. Too tall for off the peg. Dresses with bust lines are too short in the body so they cut mine in half so I have a four boob thing going on. That means the waist is also in the wrong place too. Then there's the fact that I'm really narrow, but with more than ample sticking out up top. That means I'm a 10/12 with a 14 happening down below. Making a dress which is really a blouse and a skirt sewn together meant I could fiddle the sizes around to suit me which seemed a great thing indeed.

This evening I finished my dress, apart from hemming it that is. I couldn't believe it when I tried it on and it actually fitted. The waist was where it should be, the bustline was perfect and it was just as I'd imagined it. I'd wanted something 1950's in shape and so I'd picked the pieces from the pattern I wanted and lengthened the skirt to way below my knees. Boy it was exciting knowing all that stitching had paid off and I had something I know I will actually wear.

The Bun's helped me out with the photos, but they were all too blurry so these are the only two I have so far. Anyway's I hope this inspires any of you who are thinking of stitching and are feeling a bit wary of it to have a go as it's so exciting when it all goes to plan.

Now on to something completely different. I'm usually pretty hopeless when it comes to linking up with awards, but I was so touched by Ada's words when she gave me an award that I really wanted to say thankyou back properly. 

She's been leaving me comments over the last few months and as it turns out, reading my posts for a lot longer than that. Recently Ada of Vintage Sheet Addict started blogging and I'm so glad she has as her blog is great to read.  I was really surprised and pleased when Ada said that reading mine and Jane's blogs over the past two years had really helped her through some tough times. Just goes to show there's one more positive reason for this little community. 

There's not much I haven't shared on here apart from personal beliefs and private stuff, but in the spirit of sharing seven new things I'll give it a go.

1. I find it easier to be blase than say how I really feel.

 2. I could absolutely stuff my face full of chocolate and never stop.

3. I dream of having an orchard where we eat under the trees and have donkeys, goats and sheep wandering about.

4. I really want to learn to play the piano. Big Band Swing would do it for me. 

5. I'd love to wear high heels and not feel like a giant transvestite in them.

6. In my head I dance like a diva. I'd love to make this a reality.

7. Even with a mullet, tight jeans and cowboy boots I still fancy Ian McShane as Lovejoy. 
I'm not going to move the award on properly. I just love reading so many blogs so I wouldn't know where to begin without feeling bad I'd left someone out.

See you at the end of the working week.


  1. I love your 7 things. I especially got a grin out of the high heels. I'm afraid I would like like a large beach ball on stilts! : ) Love reading your blog. Have a great week.


  2. Love your beautiful dress!! Wishing you a lovely week! xo Heather

  3. Well Lisa well done for facing your fears, your dress is beautiful, the first of many I'm sure!
    Thank you for your kind words. We don't really know how our actions can affect other people especially in the blogging world, unless of course people let you know! It took me along while to pluck up the courage to say anything! If anything, my health condition has helped my to be braver with my life so in a bizarre way it's been a blessing! I know I will have many more challenges with my health my family and friends have been so supportive, now I have a whole new community as well! It's brilliant! Ada :)

  4. Beautiful dress...and I love your bike. I enjoyed browsing here today...

  5. Fab post! I would love to get out on my bike more. I've hardly used it in 4 years when I got it and that's terrible! We live in such a big hilly area that it's just not fun (unless you are super fit which I am not!). I was away last week by the sea and there is a huge long flat promenade that has the longest cycle path. I went on a bike a few times and it was lovely just cycling along on a flat surface. I'm such a lightweight!

    Beautiful dress. Love the style and the fabric is gorgeous. I would love to have the time to learn to sew properly. It was always my dream to make myself skirts and dresses. It scares me, but like you, I am an awkward shape and it's extremely hard to find clothes that fit well. For now, I will just dream that one day I will make friends with my sewing machine and go for it!

    Loved reading your award 'about me's'!

    It's been lovely to catch up with your posts. I have been away from blog land for too long!

    Take care and enjoy the rest of the summer hols!

    Vanessa xxxxxxxxx

  6. You are so clever, I have dabbled with making clothes and they were mostly total disasters.... yours is really lovely and fits so well. Glad you got your bike fixed, I dream of owning a donkey or two also xx
    Sophie x

  7. Have the same problem with my bike but we only have a Halfords for bike repairs and I doubt they would come here to repair it! Wonderful dress - I am so inspired by your skills and how much you fit into your days. Love donkeys too but at a distance as I was bitten by one once years ago. Karen xx

  8. Loving that gorgeous dress Lisa!
    Victoria xx

  9. Congratulations on your award, very well-deserved! What a beautiful dress ... xxx

  10. I did laugh at your 7 things especially the stuffing chocolate and never stopping, I could so do that. And your dress is wonderful , I love the fabric too you are very clever especially with such a perfect fit. I would really love to master dressmaking. I have started with a dress for my niece, half crochet and half sewn fabric although it's not finished yet. x sarah

  11. Love your new dress ... so clever! I wouldn't know where to start ... I really enjoy reading your lovely blog and your seven things about you are fun ... xx

  12. I'm with you on the chocolate scoffing! ;) A lovely job you've made of your new dress too, perfect!
    Jess x x

  13. Oooh your dress looks lovely. You did a fabulous job on it.

    I can concur with the chocolate stuffing and the high heels. I'm fairly tall 5'8" so I have a similar problem. Also hubby is only 5'9" so I end up towering over him

    Ruby x

  14. Ooh! LOVE the dress!! Perfick :D

    And how nice to learn a little more about you. Me too when it comes to chocolate scoffing. And the orchard, and the piano. But Ian McShane?! ;D

  15. Beautiful fabric and congrats on a perfect fit...I'm not going to go into the car crash which would have resulted if I'd attempted it! We expect to see the rest of your Summer Collection very soon..........

  16. The seven things are great and the dress is stunning, well done! Heather

  17. Good old Mr Bicycle repair man - thank gawd he wasn't from the script (we have a Monty Python thing going on in the house at the moment with the eldest boy) - I haven't been out on my bike since 'urrmmm' last Summer.....naughty, naughty, naughty - I know.

    Love the dress - I'm tiny and still have the four boob thing going on with most fitted dresses. Who do they size them on?

    Nina x

  18. I love love love the dress,and as for the transvestite thing well I know exactly what you mean. We are loving Suffolk by the way x

  19. Hello Lisa
    Inspired by your pics I'm tempted to get another bike and also because the city has decided to give us bike lanes. Wished they'd teach riders how to behave properly though-they have no traffic sense at all here.
    Love the fresh colourful look of your fits nice now doesn't it? It looks perfect to me.
    Well done on receiving your award not at all surprised that you have. I thoroughly enjoy following your blog and have done so for quite sometime now :-)
    I'm still amazed and sometimes baffled at how I continue to enjoy blogging so much and after all these months I'm still motivated to continue. I have to say I have some fantastic blogfriends and hope to make many more.

    keep well

    Amanda :-)

  20. I really love your dress - it looks absolutely perfect on you! You must be so pleased - now I want one just like that too, but I know that by the time I finished it the sun would have gone in and our two days of summer ended!

    Pomona x

  21. Loved reading your 7 things and totally agree with your no.6 .. I am Gwen Stefani or Aretha Franklin (with a few bacardi's and me headphones on), jigging around,singing me head off.
    And your no 7 .. Lovejoy was gorgeous. Though I saw Ian McShane in a film the other night and my, he is old looking. But then again he's still Lovejoy so he'll always look good in my eyes :)

  22. I got very excited when I saw the kaleidoscope in your picture. One of the abiding memories of my childhood is receiving one of these on a visit to see Santa. Served Ian McShane in a shop I worked in many years ago, I agree very beautiful but also seemed rather vain. Felt very old when his daughter's home was featured in a Homes & Antiques article a couple of years back but she did have good taste.

  23. By the way the dress is perfect.

  24. Hi Lisa
    Iv'e just bought this pattern on your recommendation as I think I am a similar shape to you, can I just ask which neckline you used was it the narrow one or the wider one?
    I'm not great at dressmaking but my friend who is is going to lend a helping hand.
    I will let you know how I get on!
    Nicky x


Thanks for stopping by and leaving me a comment. I read all of them and really appreciate you taking the time to say hello.
I always try to get back and reply, but sometimes this may take a bit longer as pets and children always seem to need attention around here.

Bobo X

Me Made May 2018

This month I'm taking part in Me Made May, hosted by Zoe of .  Oh and if you head on over to her blog y...