
Thursday 27 December 2012

A Round Robin

After a delightful and relaxing Christmas (Mr Bun cooked, I wafted about) the girls and I are sitting on the sofa doing our own thing before we head off to Nannies for lunch. I thought I'll have a wee moment to catch up on my blog before the next few busy days take hold.

We started the festivities with a trip to visit Santa at the steam museum. We love it there as it's manned by elderly volunteers and is so uncommercial that it feels as if we're stepping back to the 1960's. We rode the trains and the Gallopers before heading to visit Santa in the Dad's Army village. This is the last year that Miss Rosey can visit Santa and we were pleased she wanted to. Little Bun can't understand why you wouldn't want to visit when you're 13.   Picture from the village sweetshop there by the way.

On Christmas Eve we had to call out Will the Swill to empty the septic tank which was creeping towards the house. Real life running alongside all the festive baking I was doing. Once my mum arrived we headed off to the Crib Service for a good old festive sing song. I love when we walk up to the village church with the bells pealing out. In our pews the Bun's chatted excitedly to their mates about how good Mr Stink was, presents they might get and Dr Who the next day. I absolutely love Christmas Eve. It's my most favourite part of the festivities. Coming home we lit both fires and settled down to eat Butternut Squash Soup, cheeses and then Pear and Mincemeat Tart. I've made the soup so many times before and it's delicious. This time Little Bun said it was saltier than the sea. It was foul you know. In my hurry I'd chucked too much bouillon in. Lesson learnt don't rush with soup. Boy was I thirsty that night. Later we snuggled by the fire to watch the Darling Buds of May christmas episode while the Bun's wrote thank you letters to Santa. Then it was off to bed for them with the story we read each christmas eve Willow at Christmas by Camilla Ashforth.

Just before 7am they dragged their stockings onto our bed with Nanny in tow. Five in a bed on Christmas morning. After breakfast we opened our gifts. The Bun's loved the angel bears I'd made for them from Claire Garland's book. I stitched their initials on the hearts so they'd know which was theirs. Little Bun was thrilled with the pink sewing machine we bought for her. She'd been desperate to start learning how to stitch. Lots of wonderful gifts, too many probably, but all adored. Mr Bun bought me some wonderful things. One very appreciated was a new notebook and pens to write down all the stories I have in my head which I've told the Bun's over the years. I've a beautiful brooch bought by me for him to give from Hen to show you another time too.

On Boxing Day we played with our new toys (Ipod Touch for Little Bun and a Kindle Fire for me) alongside old ones (dominoes and cards).

Another gift that you've seen me working on was my mum's quilt. Final stitches went in last Saturday while we watched the Strictly final.

I was taken aback when mum opened her parcel and welled up. I thought she'd be pleased, but didn't realise how touched she would be. It made all those hours of handstitching even more worthwhile.

Even the label on the back took a fair while to do, but I thought it was important to finish it off properly.

Now we've the pantomime to look forward to tommorow, then my birthday on the 29th (when I'll be 44, goodness me time is flying past). Friends over at the weekend and then New year festivities to get through. I'm hoping to fit in a good blast of sea air around all of this too.

Thank you for all your lovely christmas well wishes, for taking the time to read and leave a comment on my blog, it truly is appreciated you know. 

At the beginning of the year my blog also has a birthday. It'll be 4 you know. I feel something should be done in celebration ( a giveaway perhaps) so watch this space. I'm also planning a wee January sale in my etsy shop. I fancy a clean up and fresh start for the new year. More news to follow on those later. 

See you soon.


  1. those lucky little buns...their mother makes christmas extra special xx

  2. It all sounds perfect, enjoy the pantomime and I love your Mum's quilt ... what a beautiful present, a true labour if love!

    Claire xxx

  3. A wonderful christmas time! Happy birthday for the 29th, mine's on Monday so I feel you are a kindred 'post-christmas-birthday' spirit. ;)
    Have a lovely day. :)
    Jess x

  4. Enjoy your birthday, sounds like you had a marvellous Christmas. Love how you hand stitch your quilts, they look fantastic. mel x

  5. I'm not surprised your Mum welled up, it's a beautiful gift and a wonderful quilt that looks so cosy.

    I hope the rest of your Christmas holiday is all that you and the rest of the Buns wish it to be x

  6. It's sounds like the perfect Christmas, enjoy your birthday and new years. Sarah x

  7. Lovely Christmas, glad your Mum was there! Mr Stink was good, I loved the Snowman and snow dog too, I really want one of those dogs, with socks for ears and mittens for spots! :) x

  8. Great job on the quilt!

  9. Looks like the perfect Christmas. No wonder your mum welled up, that quilt is beautiful :) I too fancy a clear out for the new year, so many new ideas.... I've just started my sale x

  10. Hello !
    Oh it looks so lovely at the bun household! And I loved hearing how touched your Mum was by the gorgeous quilt. I'm not surprised. It is so lovely. Wishing you happy times over the next few days. If I'm not back before, Happy New Year to you all !
    And Happy Birthday for tomorrow :-) xxxxx
    Josie x

  11. Dearest Lisa
    Thank you for your lovely comment, my spirits have some what been lifted having faced the elements on a coastal walk this afternoon. I too am a believer in allowing myself to feel what I feel, its all part of the healing process.
    Your Christmas sounds just so cosy and special, your quilt is a real testament to the love you have for your mum Lisa, it's just beautiful and will be so treasured by her I am sure.
    Look forward to your celebratory 4 years old post, I too have felt the need for a little "clean up" and spent this morning sorting out all my yarn and needles and swatches and scraps and craft books so I can begin the new year as I hopefully mean to go on :o) I can live in hope can I not!?
    Wishing you,your hubby and your bunny-buns a truly inspiring and memorable beginning to 2013 xox P xxx

  12. Lisa! Thank you so much for your kind words on my shop :) I'm so glad you like your fabrics, and I can't believe I haven't discovered your lovely blog before! I've just added myself as a google friend reader :) looking forward to your forthcoming posts - and what you will make with those yummy new fabrics!!
    Jessie, xo

  13. Sounds as though you've all had a near perfect Christmas and I hope you have an equally lovely birthday tomorrow from a fellow Capricorn X And see you next year I hope.

  14. What a lovely Christmas ... the little bear angels are gorgeous ... Bee xx

  15. gan good job, this article is very interesting to note, cool deh,, of course we have new insights that we get after reading it, thanx yah :-)
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Thanks for stopping by and leaving me a comment. I read all of them and really appreciate you taking the time to say hello.
I always try to get back and reply, but sometimes this may take a bit longer as pets and children always seem to need attention around here.

Bobo X

Me Made May 2018

This month I'm taking part in Me Made May, hosted by Zoe of .  Oh and if you head on over to her blog y...