I've gone from feeling fairly chilled and calm when I left work tonight to full on spinny and realising time is running out far more quickly than I need it to in the space of a few minutes. A brief phone call this evening and I find out I've got the school dates wrong and they go back earlier than I thought. I've been doing some major re-organinsing of promises made and wondering how on earth we can get everything done in time. To make matters worse I did what I always do in a panic and agreed to doing far more in one day than is sane.
So tommorow we're squishing in social trips with last minute birthday and school stuff shopping as well as dashing off to the beach later on.
Saturday is taken up with birthday parties, cake baking and the build up of excitement that is Miss Rosey's 13th birthday on Sunday. Finally we'll officially have a teenager in the house.
head is flitting about wondering where on earth I put the name labels to
trying to work out how I can keep my promise to Little Bun that I'd have the
whole day off with them before they started school. I took Wednesday off thinking school started on Thursday, now I need to move it all forward a day. Teaching cover has been sorted by my lovely boss and now I've got to re-jig and
ask nicely tommorow if we can change all of that and hope it doesn't stress my students too much.
I never like the end of the holidays anyways so I usually go into a melancholic
or nutty mood wishing we could have all those carefree days back again.
A few deep breaths are needed and then I think I'll go and dunk myself in the bath for a bit of calm.
I guess you could say I look like a perturbed Pug and feel stretched too thinly like Dorrie Daschie. It'll all be fine and dandy though, it always is. Jobs will be done and then we'll be sat on the beach licking ices and I'll wonder why I got myself in such a tizzy.
When the dust has settled I'll be having a proper read of a lovely new book that I was offered a pre-release copy of and then let you know all about it. If you fancy getting your own before I do, then The Antiques Magpie comes out on the 5th September.
Along with finding this book in the postbox tonight, I also had a parcel with two of the loveliest blue rings from Acorn and Will. Sadly I lost my favourite blue ring from here when we dashed up the hill from the sea late one night. I ordered a replacement one from Daniella and she ever so kindly popped in the larger Dahlia as a gift. I know her from way back when she used to have a pitch at the makers markets I organised. She's a real sweetheart and now runs her fabulous business selling kitsch trinketry, cushions and other bits and bobs full-time. If you haven't checked out her lovely online store then I really think you should and if you fancy meeting her then you can usually find her at the Country Living Fairs.
Now the thought of all that lovliness has calmed me down no end.