
Tuesday, 24 March 2015

If the dress fits who cares if you wear veg on your head

A few weeks back, and it really must be quite a few now if I think about it, I spent my Christmas voucher on Gerties Vintage Sewing book and was lucky enough to get this fabulous fabric at £4 a metre.
I planned to make the dress on the cover in my 60's check.
Then not a lot happened.

Then all of a sudden it did.

On Saturday a friend was upstairs busy making a loft hatch to cover the very large hole in Miss Rosey's bedroom ceiling. Miss Rosey was at netball and Miss Millie and I were doing our own thing.

The sewing bug crept up on me and off I went.

After drafting the patterns for Gertie's dress I changed my mind. I knew it was going to take a bit of time to get my head around. Next decision was to make a tried and tested dress as I wanted a quick make. One that was done in a weekend. That's how I ended up making yet another Megan dress.
Just before we went out on Saturday night I'd nearly finished my dress.

I altered the darts for a better fit and popped the sleeves in either side of a visit to the most awful and just the tonic we needed circus on Sunday.

There was my dress hanging, waiting to be worn on Monday.

For the first time in ages I felt really good in something I was wearing.
My dress fitted so well, that it hugged without squeezing. It was just the boost needed.

A lady in the middle of the day came up to me and said I love your style, it's quirky. I thanked her and then told her her words really were a tonic as I'd felt emotional all day. A mixture of a discussion that morning with my mum, possible unemployment this week and soul searching.

Amazing what a dress can do sometimes to lift that spirit.

That night at parents evening I think I could have taken a few orders too.

We ended on a high after hearing so many lovely things about Miss Millie (Miss Rosey's year group had theirs a few weeks back).

When we got home I tried on my tinned pea colour hat that I'd stitched up in bed the night before.


It was ever so slightly tight and I was pronounced to look like a Brussels Sprout. Cheeky monkeys.
Quite a fair bit of makery these past few days. I'm back on it again.


  1. Your dress is gorgeous, and the hat is lovely too. Nothing like a Brussels Sprout! :) x

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Dear Lisa,
    I've been reading your blog for ages and absolutely love it. You are an amazing woman (who has made a gorgeous dress- and so beautifully accessorised) and are showing incredible strength of character to continue making and blogging while things are so tough for you. Wishing you the joy in the future you and your young ladies deserve.

  4. I absolutely love your dress ! You managed to find the perfect fabric for it !

  5. A gorgeous dress Lisa, and I'm not surprised you got comments on it. You have the most amazing style, and are really rather gorgeous to boot! xxxx

  6. You look gorgeous, Lisa. Love the dress and hat. Glad you've got your mojo back. Take care. xx

  7. Your dress is just beautiful and such a good fit!
    Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger

  8. You look fabulous, and I too love your quirky,colourful style! :) xxx

  9. Loving that check! It seems to change colour depending on what you put it with. Eleanor xx

  10. a brussel sprout, that's funny! surely not. A crafty boost sounds good, and a clever dress maker! x

  11. You look lovely, Lisa, I am always so envious of your needlework skills, mine, alas, are of the distinctly craft variety, I wouldn't want to wear anything I had made, though I do a mean quilt and cushion! Lx

  12. Wow! You are so freaking talented, Lisa. One of my aunts could look at a dress in a store window, go home and make a pattern from newspapers and create the dress from that. Came in quite handy during the Depression. I’ve a feeling you could do the same thing.

    Love to you and your cheeky monkeys.

  13. gan good job, this article is very interesting to note, cool deh,, of course we have new insights that we get after reading it, thanx yah :-)

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I always try to get back and reply, but sometimes this may take a bit longer as pets and children always seem to need attention around here.

Bobo X

Me Made May 2018

This month I'm taking part in Me Made May, hosted by Zoe of .  Oh and if you head on over to her blog y...