I felt an urge to write a post as you do. So I sat here and uploaded a few shots of things that have occured. I enjoy taking photos, recording my daily doings and then stringing it all together with a few well matched words. But today, as has been the case for the past couple of weeks really, I'm struggling to find a place between my blog voice and the voice that I have at the moment.
I told my man how I was feeling. We've talked lots. Tried to find solutions and cures. I think we've come up with some pretty good things that have worked over the weekend. I even said maybe I should have a break from blogging for a while. Not because I want to, but because I don't want to turn my blog into a whingey moany place and that really is the voice that wants to be heard at the moment. He said please don't do that. He urges me to have faith in myself and knows I need this creative fix when my work saps any creativity from me.
On Friday I bent my leg back and gave myself a kick up the bum to sort out what I could. First thing I called the dr to see if there was a cure to the all over itchy burning skin which is still driving me mad. I was clutching at straws thinking it might be a reaction to the nit treatment. Joy of joys we had that for the first time ever recently and it was hideous to get rid of. All in all I've become one big itch.
Then I hopped in the car for some feel good catching up with a friend I've not seen for an age. On the way home I saw Mr Dr man who said I had excema. Now I'm lathering on the white cream, scratching constantly like a manky old dog with fleas and wondering if my sex appeal might be going down the Swanyy.
I did, however, still have my eyes wide open to pretty things around me and so I happened upon this lovely sheet when I was out with my friend. On the way home from the doctor's these dahlia's shouted at me from the kerbside honesty stall. My mood was definately lifted after seeing a lovely friend and then finding pretty things.
Thank goodness for talking, because after a good old sifting through of my low mood my man and I came up with quite a few cures that have certainly worked this weekend. Really it was about putting ourselves first and stepping back from things that aren't that important really. It's strange how feeling blue can creep up on you and leave you feeling helpless, but we've always been ones to give it a good beating once we know it's here. There have been so many stressful and emotional things happening this year that I don't mention on my blog. They've taken a lot out of us and in the end you have to re-charge your batteries and start to laugh at life again.
First off we said sod it to cooking a meal. Who said it was the rules to always have to put food on the table? The girls eat at school, so it was sandwiches for them and crisps, cheese and fizzy stuff for us. That meant we all had time to sit down play games and have a good laugh. Basically the rule was to stop trying to do it all and realise the world won't stop if I do.
On Saturday we had a good old clear out of junk which I love doing (although there's tons left). Little Bun was too tired for her dance class so we curled up together to watch Ladies in Lavender. Just us while Miss Rosey and Mr cooked and sang. Normally I race about and feel like I'm wasting time just sitting, but I found out it was good for me. I love a good old snuggle too and one day little girls won't be there waiting for one.
On Sunday we all headed off early for Miss Rosey's netball training, rather than me lazing in bed. While she played we explored the cafe, then my two went for a walk in the park and I chatted to a friend. Getting home all chilled and happy, the girls sorted their homework as asked so we could enjoy the rest of the day. This really stresses me when we get homework hanging on until late every night.
After a lovely family lunch I knew it was time to get on with finishing Bunny Girl. I've just not had the making urge all week and so it was good to get my fingers working again.
As her sweet face emerged I started to fall in love with her. She's not for me though, so I'll have to admire her from afar. I made her for Little Bun, who has named her Hettie. Last arm made this morning so she's waiting for Little Bun to get hom. I now need to get on with a blue one for Miss Rosey. Always two of everything needed to keep the peace.
I don't usually enjoy small fiddly crochet projects, but seeing Hettie come to life really made it worth it. Now I'd better seach my stash for just the right shade of blue for the next Bunny Girl.
Reading your responses to my last post was really interesting. I'd loved your humour, honesty and above all good shared advice. We're all really quite similar aren't we. I hope you can stick with me while I'm going through this odd phase and then hopefully I'll be back feeling less bleeurrggghh.
I did respond to all your comments while I was sat in Sainsbury's (halfway between work and school pick-up). Some went and a lot bounced back as no-reply bloggers. I wrote some quite lengthy replies too aswell. So I'm off to reply on the comments themselves and if you're interested it will be there. Give me a mo though won't you.
While itching is no fun it's probably your body telling you something. About stress and slowing down so you are already doing the right thing.
ReplyDeleteI have hardly blogged all year because of horrible things going on in real life but I miss it. I think you are right to carry on and shine a light on the things that gladden your heart.
I am going to try and do it on my blog too. x
Hey there, my lovely, can I recommend either evening primrose oil 1000mg twice a day to start, or better still, is starflower oil). This works from within to help your skin (ooops I'm a poet!).
ReplyDeleteMyself and 2 of my childer had eczema, I put the kids (now adults) on it and away the eczema went. I had severe infantile eczema in the 60s/70s and into the 80s (no fun) and wish it was awailable then.
Sorry hear about the mizzogs, tho you have a smashing hubby to help you through it (I do not as he is a f*ckwit!). I have The Menopause and it is fearful nasty (6 years and counting sigh).
Much love to you and yours....
Susan x
Dearest Lisa
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry that you feel low (and itchy too)
...that cannot be pleasant
...add in menopause 'peri' or otherwise and I am really feeling for you
sending you sunshine thoughts today
much love Daisy...xxxx
I hope the cream is helping. I never got any eczema at all until I was 19 And I only get it when stressed. Luckily mine is very mild. If you've been having a challenging year, it could help explain why you've suddenly got it, as French Knots said. Keep blogging, hopefully it will help, even if you feel your bloggy voice is faltering. It sounds as though you've got a grip on it and a wonderfully supportive close knit family around you. Be kind to yourself. :-)
ReplyDeleteExcema = stress. I hope the cream will ease the symptoms but you really need to understand and address the cause. Your lovely relaxed 'me' weekend is the perfect start ...
ReplyDeleteThe little bunny is gorgeous!
M x
Your posts are lovely and authentic. I love to read them although I don't usually comment (even when I did see my childhood golly in a basket in your last post - well a similar one anyway(
ReplyDeleteI sometimes lose the blogging mojo - but I don't want to stop doing it, so I might just post single photos - as postcards for a while, until the voice comes back.
Take care of yourself and I hope you feel better soon. No need to reply either x
Hi again. I am sorry to hear that you are plagued with itchy skin.Recently I was in the same condition as stress had brought on an eczema condition that just worsened and worsened. Being holistic I tried many things. In the end I found that cold pressed coconut oil as a moisturizer was the cure. It turns out that it is an amazing oil for overall health of the the body inside and out and I encourage you to do some research on the stuff. I also found relief in topical tea tree oil at first for the itchiness but ultimately it was the coconut oil that made it actually go away almost immediately. As for your blogging plight,reading about your trials and tribulations gives your writing a very human voice.We just absolutely cannot be the perfect stepford image no matter how much we want to be ,and one thing that drew me to your writing is your honest voice regarding your own struggles balancing every day life and creative vision.It's something that I relate to very much and don't really have any artist friends handy to give me perspective.I guess that makes your blog quite valuable in its candor! Please don't stop exactly what you are doing. Your inner struggle for peace and ability to still see beauty at the same time makes me look forward to coming back here! You are an amazing beautiful soul and I totally look forward to what you have to say. Mucho love! XO
ReplyDeleteHi glad your tackling things head on. I've just had a read back on the comments and it makes for an interesting read! I didn't realize forgetting words was such a common thing. I feel better about that now, and might possibly stop doing that one day! thanks for sharing troubles, oh and I swear by Vitamin E oil on my skin, and also a non-steriod cream called Allergenics, all the best, Heather x
ReplyDeleteStress causes excema which causes stress, its a bummer. I have suffered with it since i was 23, after a family trauma and my body did the fight or flight thingy, trauma passed and the ecxema(stll can't spell it) arrived. I can recommend salcura cream(its pricey but helped me), along with the greasy slippy stuff which is horrid but does work. I'm sorry to hear your feeling poo, hope it gets better soon, it not moany but a comfort to hear other people feel like i do sometimes-it too shall pass! Catx
ReplyDeleteHello my lovely...loads of advice on here I know but wanted to offer this little snippet...
ReplyDeleteMy son spent years avoiding everything and anything because of eczema.
One thing that really worked was popping some porridge oats inside a voile drawstring bag and hang over the taps as the water is running. It will make the water turn a milky liquid but soothe your sore skin when you bathe (don't have the water too hot) then when you get out of the bath wrap yourself in a towel (no rubbing the skin) and after a few mins gently massage some olive oil into your balmy skin...I promise you won't look like a fried chip!
It takes a while to soothe but stick with it hun.
Glad you spent some time snuggling also at the weekend....touch is so powerful for all of us to feel nurtured what ever our age :)
Hope you have a lovely week
Tilly x
I sympathise with you with your eczema.I started with it about a year ago.I tried all sorts of things,over the counter, but none worked so I went to the doctor.The two creams he prescribed worked magic but do apply the steroid sparingly.That dreadful, endless itching is awful.You really sound as if you have a super partner who can help you sort things out.Mine finds it very difficult to talk about things like that.He doesn't understand feeling "down" and so doesn't know what to say.Enjoy cuddle times with your daughters.My daughter is grown up but she has two little girls who give the best cuddles in the world.The best tonic ever!
ReplyDeleteYou always seem so happy and full of life when I read your posts! I only get the urge to blog every now and then but carry on reading all the ones I follow, on a regular basis. Yes, as everyone else has said.....its def the stress that has brought on the eczema so if you find yourself a new chilled life - it should disappear as quick as it arrived. I have had eczema since I was 10 months old and find it easier to deal with now that Im in my forties as I know what I can and cannot do/use. However, I found it quite interesting reading the comments and advice - might try some of them out myself. Please dont feel that you are moaning or whinging - aren't we all hear for each others good and bad times - sounds like we are all married to each other lol! Seriously, I hope things start to look up for you and that you keep on blogging - through good times and bad, in sickness and in health.............. -x-
ReplyDeleteI think your new approach sounds like the right one. I've had similar epiphanies and it's the best thing for me. I'm sorry about the eczema; I've had a few flare-ups myself and it's not pleasant. I hope it improves soon.
ReplyDeleteI have been reading about laughter yoga...does not involve humour or comedy...that made me laugh! Maybe you're just tired...keep taking the yarn therapy, they are so cute. EE xx
ReplyDeleteYou are so right, sometimes it is just good to say STOP I want to get off! Love the little cuddly toy, she will love it. Jo x
ReplyDeleteI've just been catching up with your last 4 posts. Sorry that you're not feeling too chipper and you don't in the least sound as though you're whining.
ReplyDeleteI loved the basket post. I have a few myself. I find them very handy for keeping my crochet and patchwork in. I thought one was nice to keep current books, pens, pads and other bits and bobs in close to hand whilst sitting in front of the telly or for quiet times in the armchair, easy to move place to place, but my husband saw it as clutter so it had to go. I might reintroduce it though.
Hope you start to feel more like yourself soon. Love Hettie.
I believe we all go thru these scary periods. Usually a bit down the road we see that it was not that bad at all. Let go of the things we cannot change or control. Like you say we shouldn't worry about set meals all the time....a sandwich is okay, it's food and no one is going to starve. Getting control of the eczema will start with the sort out of how you are feeling. I can sympathize with you on these things....I think it's a female kind of feeling of having to have complete control of our nest all the time and getting weary when we think we are not on top of it. I will be thinking of you with sunshine and happy thoughts!
ReplyDeleteoooh sympathising Lisa, and yes to porridge oats - all my boys has excema as children and that always helped heaps.
ReplyDeleteWe too have had a chat with ourselves about slowing down a bit and I've decided to park my business for a year. I will miss it terribly but I just feel like I'm permanently stressed and not doing any of my roles in life particularly well.I hope that by taking some time out I'll be able to do some crafting for the love of crafting, no deadlines. And have more much needed time for family life. We're re-claiming the weekend!!! Look forward to seeing how you get on! Sending love and a big arm rub your way. fee xx
Well, we are, as they say, 'at that time in our life' it's been a while now since I've been able to string a sentence together! It's funny, our Brian's aren't that big and yet to locate the right word and get it through the lips is impossible some days! And the word only has to travel a few inches doesn't it! Soooo annoying! Luckily I don't plan any blog posts so whatever is in there just spills out, if it makes sense or not! My plan is to just ride with it, not get stressed and just see where this particular path takes me!
ReplyDeleteIt's Mr B who I feel for, two girls soon to be teens, and me slowly going Dotty at the other end, he has mentioned he might leave for a little while and return once 'things' have settled!!! :) x just reread this, should obviously say brain but I'm leaving it.....sums it up perfectly! :) xxx
I'm off now to give my .ittle girl a cuddle x
ReplyDeleteEczema can often be a sign of severe stress. It's how the body copes sometimes. I know myself that a lot of solace and calm can be found in crafting even if you don't blog about it. I think that sometimes we pressurise ourselves to blog as often as we can and that itself can be stressful. Take care of yourself and your family and I'm positive you'll be back to yourself very soon.
ReplyDeleteRosie xx
Thinking of you. I admire your honesty and sounds as though all these small pleasant things were such a good idea. I reckon more relaxing and less pressure sounds like such a good plan. I don't do this quite enough.
ReplyDeleteSweet Lisa
ReplyDeleteI'm thinking of you and those nasty eczema itches,poor you, I do hope that you have found the right remedy for you. I think remaining true to yourself is so important and sharing some of it here hopefully lets you know you and your blog are loved. You have a lot of juggle and do it so well, please be more gentle on yourself and be kind when you feel like its all too hard. I love that you are such a close knit family and you have your lovely M who sounds like a real treasure. Hang in there "this too shall pass".
xox Love and hugs, Penny
ps. Your crochet bunny is too heavenly, I wonder if you have a link or the source for the pattern when you have a moment. Oh, and please keep blogging I would miss you terribly if you were to go, however, I completely understand if you take a good long break too xxx
Oh dear, skin issues are never fun! Hope you are soon on the mend and still drooling over the typewriter!
ReplyDeleteAll the best,
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