
Wednesday 4 November 2009

Finding my Ho Ho Ho

Slowly, ever so slowly a few things seem to have happened. Suddenly I feel more like a person again, rather than just being a floppy mass of coughs and aches. I can move and actually want to do things again. There is a problem with this though. While I felt poorly, nothing mattered much except being cosy at home. Now I'm back in the land of the living it dawned on me that there's only six weeks until our first Pick 'n' Mix Market and then there's that other thing happening just after. Also Mr Bun and I are late December babies, so it becomes a busy time of year for making presents and planning stuff.

I thought about all of this for a bit and then realised I'd better try and get the sparkly creative part of my head switched on. I took a few festivey shots to get me in the mood. I'm not sure if it's working just yet, but I'll let you know. If you really don't want to think about all of this jingly jangly sparkle stuff just yet Look Away NOW.

NeArly finIsheD. Mr Bun and Eldest Bun came back with this great bottle of beer. Eldest Bun is a very beautiful Rosey, so she roared with laughter when she thought this beer was named after her.

Now I think I'm nearly inspired enough to go off and think of Robins and jingly bells. If you want some christmas inspiration pop on over to our Pick 'n' Mix blog as we have listed nearly all of our makers now and there are some truly fabulous things to look at.


  1. Oooooh,I feel all Christmassy now!
    I must say though I've been getting fed up with all the Xmas music playing in the shops...since October...doh.
    Can't wait to get those decs down from the loft though.
    Happy Guy Fawkes!


  2. I adore old fashioned style christmas decorations, but they are so expensive and hard to come by. Love the post

  3. I love the vintage Christmas decorations! Time seems to be moving quickly and before we know it we'll be putting the decs up which is always great fun! Glad you're beginning to feel better.

  4. wish i lived close enough to come to your pick and mix market it looks like its going to be fabulous x

  5. Glad to hear that you are picking up. Lovely festive pictures - but it's making me feel that time is running out for making things!!

    Pomona x

  6. Bring on the jingle and the jangle. It is never tooo early!

  7. Looking good, looking good epecially Budgie in a tea-cup, made me smile! I think the Ho ho has returned to the bobo!

    Sarah x

  8. I like a bit of sparkly! Any time of the year! Actually, I've resigned myself to the fact that Christams is creeping up, and I'd better just bloomin well face up to it and enjoy it! So I enjoyed your sparkle and bells. So glad to hear you're back in the land of the living.
    Love Vanessa xxx (do you mind if i knit)

  9. Love your blog! Coming back to visit A LOT!!!
    I love Christmas!!!
    Mama Holli

  10. What lovely treasures, you do turn up some fabulous things.

    Festive preparations are well under wya here too. We're practising our Christmas music at choir and I've been stashing a few treasures away too, including paper chains and some thrifted ancient baubles and books. Can't be doing with the mad last minute rush myself so am rather keen on early, secret planning. All the best for the market, look forward to hearing all about it.


  11. My Nan used to have baubles like the one in your first pic! Tremendous arent they, those lovely glass ones!! :)

    Like you, Im preparing for a fair, trying to overcome the panic of it being only 3 weeks away and doubting I have enough stock for it yet (I nearly keeled over in a faint when I wrote a list of all I need to accomplish before the big day)

    Ah well, onward and upwards eh!!

    Love Julia x

  12. I love Christmas, i love planning what to make although I always end up dreaming and never getting round to the making part! I saw your pick and mix bit in sew hip, good luck with the fair i hope it all goes well, i wish I could come along it would be fab! I think Im going to stop blogging and go and make something before Joshy comes home!! Ive got three and a bit hours left!! although Belle is asleep on my feet and its lovely and warm sat here dreaming, hmmm what to do!! fliss xx

  13. Great pix so pleased you are beginning to feel better. Love the Rosey Nosey beer. Good luck with the Fair.

  14. Great pix so pleased you are beginning to feel better. Love the Rosey Nosey beer. Good luck with the Fair.

  15. Ohhh darling I am sorry to hear that you have been unwell, hope you are on the mend now. Christmas is approaching at a frightening rate, here we are nearly half way through November. I think it's ok to mention it and even start a bit of shopping now!


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I always try to get back and reply, but sometimes this may take a bit longer as pets and children always seem to need attention around here.

Bobo X

Me Made May 2018

This month I'm taking part in Me Made May, hosted by Zoe of .  Oh and if you head on over to her blog y...