
Sunday 1 November 2009

Happy Horrors

The Bun's were so excited about the family party we were having for Halloween. I was a party pooper though as I've been flat out with the flu for the past few days so we had to cancel the guests. There was no way we wanted them to go without a party though. Amazingly pre-children I would have been laying in bed groaning and sleeping. These days you get up and do the best you can and we had fun. In the morning Mr Bun took them to the castle for spooky fun and then came back to cook and prepare the party.

We ate dead man finger stew, followed by scary jelly with jelly frogs in it.

Then we played a few games. One of the favourites was pin the nose on the witch. We also played guess the monsters name pinned to your back. Mr Bun having Tinky Winky pinned to his back caused hysterical laugher.

Now fingers crossed for wellness as a busy week is ahead again. Not least another interview with a journalist for a feature about our market. As she's bringing the photographer with her I hope my red nose and black eyes disappear. Or is that just the ghoulish make-up from last night?


  1. I'm glad you had fun despite the flu.

    Hope all goes well with the interview,

    Nina x

  2. Hope you feel much better very soon. We had a very similar party here with much excitedness - and pin the nose on the witch was a huge hit too!

    Good luck with the journalist, they're not too nasty honest (I'm married to one!)


  3. Looks like you had great fun. Hope you feel better soon. All the best for the interview.

  4. All very quiet in the Boo house last trick or treaters,so WE ate the sweets and watched 'Strictly'.
    Glad you all had fun,despite you feeling poorly.


  5. Hope you start to feel beter soon and I am sure the interview will go well

  6. Oh Lisa I hope you feel better soon, Ive been so run down and tired just recently in the end Joshy and I went to Grandmas for a week! Just so i could relax!! I even got some knitting done! Hope all goes well with the journalist where when is it being published?
    Fliss xx

  7. Get well soon and thanks for the pics - take a break now, won't you?

  8. Hope you feel well soon. It sounds like you've had this flu a while now. Fingers crossed you are coming to the end of it now. Good luck with the journalist interview.

  9. Loos amazing for not feeling too good. Hope you are feeling better very soon


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I always try to get back and reply, but sometimes this may take a bit longer as pets and children always seem to need attention around here.

Bobo X

Me Made May 2018

This month I'm taking part in Me Made May, hosted by Zoe of .  Oh and if you head on over to her blog y...