
Monday 21 December 2009

Glittering Snow

Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year to you all. Since writing this post I thought of all the jobs to be done and realised I won't be back for a few days.

Late on Saturday as we drove back home through our village everything was so still. I don't like the silence that comes with the snow. Actually I don't like snow at all. Yes it looks quite attractive and our messy garden is hidden nicely under lots of neat and tidy white. I hate being cold and not being able to go places if it's suddenly deemed too dangerous.

Anyway, ignoring my contempt for the white stuff, I have to say the village did look stunning. The ducks managed to find a small piece of pond that wasn't frozen. The war memorial looked perfect in this frozen setting. I forgot the church which also looked amazing.

Behind us the sun was setting across the fields and that scene did take my breath away. Now I'd like it all to go away as I've had enough of it now.

Inside is much cosier. School made decorations have come home and been hung from the beam.

For the first year ever I stopped being such a control freak and let the Bun's loose on the tree. Maybe I was too tired to take over after having got back from Pick 'n' Mix the day before.

So many memories as each year we have added a new bauble for each of the Bun's to the family ones. This year I somehow never got round to buying one for them. I still have time to get them as I feel sad that I forgot.

I bought this lovely paper fan from Daniella which popped into a vase from Teena looks perfect.

After all this glitter I want to tell you another reason I hate the snow. Living in the countryside means that the rats and foxes who live here get very hungry when the ground is frozen. This morning I went to fill up the straw in George and Lucy's hutch. They are small dwarf rabbits and get cold easily. Such a terrible terrible sight of our two gentle friends laying side by side, killed by a rat. I'll spare you the gory details, but I can't get the sight of them out of my head. I bought Lucy for Mr Bun as an anniversary gift five years ago and then George moved in with her months later. She bossed him and he quietly took whatever mood she was in. They laid on top of one another and got panicky whenever I took one out of the hutch without the other. Just such a senseless awful way to die. We can't even put down poison as we'll probably just end up killing the cats, hens and daft dog. Our hens have been barricaded in for safety and we've checked over Pixie and the Pigs. It's not easy giving your heart over to all these animals.


  1. Strange isn't that there is no chance of ever being snowed in at Christmas again, I'm actually feeling a little snow maudlin.
    Deep down i know that I much prefer being warm and truly hate slush but all these snowy photo's are leaving me a little homesick.
    So sad about Lucy and George,we had a similar incident with a guinea pig and it sucks.

    Happy Christmas Lisa, have a good one and I'll see you again in the New Year...

  2. We have finally had some snow, but on top of ice, so could be dangerous going out later.
    We too have foxes and rats, due to being 'rural' - one of the reasons why we haven't had any chickens.
    Have a great Christmas.

  3. So sorry to hear about Lucy & George - what an awful sight to find :(

    Am beginning to tire of the snow too as it just makes everything seem such hard work AND I'm tired of looking like a michelin man!!

    Merry Christmas

    Vicki xxxx

  4. Mrs Bun thats dreadful - not the snow, but your rabbits!

    Flipping sodding rats I'd guard the garden with a shovel - then bosh on the back of the head!!

    We've got mice finding there way into the house through the tiniest cracks in the floorboards. One shot across the kitchen floor on Friday night that made me scream and clutch my skirt hem!! Like a Tom and Jerry cartoon. As if it would run up my legs - what a wimp I am!!

    So Mr T went around the whole of downstairs yesterday like a cowboy with a squirty gun of no nails!!

    Changing the subject - I love the snow and your village looks gorgeous and so do the decorations - very festive in your beautiful countryside cottage.

    Have a wonderul week - sorry for the long message, I've had no time recently for staying in contact.

    take care,

    Nina xxxxx

  5. I am SO sorry.What an awful thing to happen, so distressing ,and just before Xmas too.My heart goes out to you.My Mum's cat also had a very sad end and I couldn't get that image from my mind for ages either,and I can imagine how you and the children must be feeling.
    I'm fed up with the snow now too.The roads around here are so icy!

    Take care and have a lovely Christmas.


  6. Oh how sad... I know some will say it's nature's way, as it undoubtedly is, but still... when they're pets it's really, really sad.
    Have a Happy Christmas though Mrs B, and your family.

  7. That is such a sad post.... I am nodding my head feeling similar feelings to Tabiboo. We also find that mice are coming into the house now it is colder and we also have a rat in our "wash house" which has helped itself to apples and vegetables from the garden which are being stored there. As yet, no sign of it being caught and "sorted". Hope this awful experience doesn't put too much of a damper on your festivities. Pets are such a big part of family life.

  8. Oh how very sad. So sorry to hear of your awful disvoery and your sweet pets' demise. Hopefully they didn't know too mush about it.

    Hope Christmas brings you some warmth and cheer.


  9. So absolutely beautiful --- especially to those of us who aren't lucky enough to have snow his time of year.

  10. So sorry to hear about your pets, but at least it was you who found them and not the children.

    We left London and all it's snow behind yesterday for Dorset where there is none and now that I know I don't have to drive anywhere, I actually miss the white stuff.

    Merry Christmas.
    Kate x

  11. Oh, Honey, I'm so sorry about the rabbits. How horrible. (((hugs)))

    Talk to me about snow! My two kids have gotten their final two days before their Christmas vacation due to snow that fell on SATURDAY! 'Tis just not right! Lots to do and they are completely in my way. ugh!

  12. Sending you big love and hugs , how awful for you :(
    Have a lovely snuggly vintage christmas and Ill see you in the new year !
    Emmie xx

  13. So sorry to hear your news about the rabbits. So sad. Wishing you kind thoughts for Christmas.

  14. You can get padlocked black plastic bait boxes - unlike the tubes they are completely pet and hen proof - we use them, and although they are not cheap (about £8) they work. If you have rats, it is really important to put down bait, because of the disease risk - my father nearly died from leptospirosis, transmitted by rats, so this is a sore point for me!

    But on a more cheerful note, I hope you have a good Christmas.

    Pomona x


Thanks for stopping by and leaving me a comment. I read all of them and really appreciate you taking the time to say hello.
I always try to get back and reply, but sometimes this may take a bit longer as pets and children always seem to need attention around here.

Bobo X

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