
Sunday 11 April 2010


I need to write about something absolutely awful that has happened in our magical world. I won't be able to simply carry on writing cheerful posts as if nothing has happened without recording it.

On Friday my families hearts were broken. On Friday morning Molly our little ginger cat was with us still. She had her breakfast and then went out to explore. Sometime that day she was hit by a car. Our village has a 30 mile an hour speed limit. The speed signs are quite irrelevant to the majority of drivers who drive as fast as they bloody well like, usually about 60 miles an hour. Molly's sister Ruby was killed by a moron driving too fast and now again we have have lost the most beautiful little cat. One who gave us all so much love and companionship. She was unlike any other cat we've ever had, more like a dog in her friendship.

Little Bun and Molly had a bond like no other. They were best friends and slept together. She was mainly to be found draped over her shoulder or following her about. She waited in the hedge for Mr Bun and Alfie to get back from their morning run each day. Then she woke me up and had a cuddle. She was such a large part of our lives that I see her on every chair, in each part of the garden and house and can't stop crying each time I think of her. We are all bereft, even my parents who loved her dearly. Alfie and Molly slept curled up side by side. Our dog and cat were also great friends.

Our hearts break all the more for the sight of our little girl who is beside herself with grief and her wish to cuddle her cat one more time and for someone to tell her it's all a lie. Molly was in such a mess that we couldn't let her see her. Mr Bun got home first and then called me. We are just thankful that he got there before the children.

There are some who fail to understand this level of grief for an animal. What we feel right now is as strong and as painful as any human loss we've experienced. I fail to make any sense of it and want it be a lie too.


  1. Oh, it's hard to find the right words. I understand how close you and your cat were. I've always had cats and have never got over the death of any of them. They love us unconditionally as we do them. It's all very special, my heart goes out to you and your family.
    Lesley X

  2. How awful. Your poor daughter and of course your poor little cat. So very sad to lose a pet. We are a cat household , we love them to bits and I know how sad you must be.

  3. i am so so sorry that you are going through this - i have been there and know just how very horrid it is...
    the animals we invite in to our homes are so important and i totally understand that your loss is as great as losing a human - when we lose any of our animal gang it feels as if i am losing a child... many folk do not understand this ...
    my heart breaks for you all and especially your sweet girl... hold her close x
    here if you need to chat
    gentle hugs
    t x

  4. I'm so sorry to hear about your beautiful wee cat (((hugs))) to you all xx

  5. April 11, 2010

    Dear Little Bun: How very difficult this must be for your and your family. My family sends you and yours our thoughts and prayers. Really this is a sad time, but everyday that passes will become easier. Sometime after the tears subside and your heart begins to mend you, Little Bun, will smile again ...while thinking about the many happy times you spent with sweet Molly. Fondly from the Smith Family.

  6. Dear God, I am just sick for you all. I just want to cry my eyes out. I live for my dear kitties and I can say I know your agony. we have eight. I am so so sorry.... It just hurts so much ... there are just some animals that are like no others... please know that a person in new england will pray your hearts will mend soon...much love from who someone who understands..

  7. Hey Lisa
    I am so sorry to read this. That is so sad and very upsetting for you and your family. Where you live is so quiet and peaceful so it seems crazy that this could happen - I expect you are full of all emotions. Big love and cuddles to you at this sad time xx

  8. No words can be of comfort to you at the moment so I send huge bigs hugs to surround you all and protect you from the cruelties that life sometimes deals us xxx❤xxx

  9. How terrible, I like most people love my cats as humans & I know how you're feeling. I send you & your family love &'re in my thoughts x

  10. Sorry to read this and especially sorry for Little Bun losing her friend :(

  11. I'm so very sorry - it is so heartbreaking to lose a beloved pet.
    I don't know why idiot drivers thing they should drive at such high speeds where there is a 30 mile limit.


  12. How sad for all of you - I do understand how awful it is to lose a beloved pet.

  13. so sorry to hear of this sad loss, and in such a tragic way. take care, be gentle to yourselves. xxx

  14. I so much understand your grief, our little furry friends are family members, we know them so well with their habits, their characters, their charm, we love them with all our hearts. Each of our pets has it´s own personality like each human member has and it´s not only loosing a pet, it´s loosing this very special pet. I am so very sorry for you and your family and I hope that the day will come soon when you remember your cat with love and a smile about having had the pleasure to live with her for a while.
    With my thoughts,
    PS- I have to explain that I just found your blog and this entry made me so sad that I couldn´t leave it without commenting.

  15. I am so sorry for you all, I felt terribly sad when I read this. My heart goes out to you , I know how you are feeling and I completely understand the grief you are feeling at the loss of a beloved member of the family.I know it must be especially hard to understand for your little girl.
    Ann x

  16. I am so very very sorry, I truly am. It is so difficult when you loose a pet, and I absolutely agree, that loosing an animal is as hard as loosing a human. I absolutely broke my heart, as did my husband, when our gorgeous cat Jagger died in our arms so unexpectedly, at only 3 years old. I honestly can not find the words to say to express my sincere symapthy. I am so sorry, and I Pray that you and yours will once again be ok, very soon. xxx

  17. Oh Lisa I am so sorry for your loss and pain. I know the pain of losing an animal friend and it's like no other. My thoughts are with you and your family especially your poor little daughter.
    Vivienne xxx

  18. I was sorry to read your awful news. Words seem so inadequate in a way, but just to let you know that I'm thinking of you all. It's so hard losing a pet, especially in such terrible circumstances. Cats move into your home and very soon become a member of the family. They are unreplaceable, just like people. We lost our first cat in an accident too...I don't think you ever get over it, you just learn to move on. Be strong. Katie x

  19. very sorry for your loss, i`m sure you strong family bond will help you through this sad time. dwell on the happiness that you little cat brought
    you all

  20. I'm so sorry - I'm not very good at putting things into words, but I know how heartbreaking it is to lose a cat, especially for a child.

  21. I totally totally understand your loss, having lost two cats myself.


    Clare xx

  22. :-( Your poor little cat. My heart goes out to you all, I can understand just how you feel as we lost our dog which we had had for more years a couple of years back and I still miss him.

    How very strange - my word verification is 'Anger' and I am sure that is what you feel about that person who knocked your poor cat over.

  23. Lisa I'm so so so sorry to read that you've all lost your lovely friend and in particular of Little Bun's loss. I am sending thoughts to you all

  24. I am so, so sorry to read this. I know exactly how you are all feeling. It is over 10 years since the same thing happened to my Misty, oh how I still miss him, (and indeed our other cats who died in less tragic circumstances)Our lane is also supposed to be a 30 limit but idiots screech past at twice that.
    It is always devastating to lose any pet but the shock when a healthy cat is just taken like that, well, there just aren't words.
    Sending love and hugs to you all.
    Carol xx

  25. Oh Lisa this is such horrid news I really feel for you all and especially your Littlest Bun. The shock must be dreadful. Poor Molly, how truly awful. She looks such a happy cat in this picture.

    Your wonderful, fond memories filled with love will honestly keep you going through. I'm so sorry you're all going through this.

    Thinking of your ever so much.

  26. I am so sorry to read your sad news and shall be thinking of you all. Rebecca x

  27. How sad for you and your family, we have lost both of our cats over the past two years and it is dreadful what a huge hole they leave in your life.

    I cried for weeks over them both. Sending you a big hug at this difficult time.


  28. I am so sorry. We lost our beloved cat a few months ago out of the blue and it was terrible. I sobbed my heart out. Thinking of you and wishing you peace in the knowledge that your kitty was loved.

  29. I am so,so sorry to hear this terrible news.To lose a much loved pet is heartbreaking enough,but in such a shocking and sudden way is truly awful.I feel for you all so much.We felt just the same when we had to have our first dog put to sleep..she had shared our lives for 16 is the same grief as losing a family member,and you need as much time to grieve as you would for them.

    Bellaboo X

  30. oh Lisa, you poor,poor things I'm in floods of tears for you as I understand so well the heartache and pain of beloved kitties being killed on the road. We had a 'rat run' at the back of our garden where idiots drove like maniacs and killed four of our gorgeous feline friends. I truly know that anger you describe.
    I hope your poor broken hearts get mended soon, reading the lovely messages left on this post,it looks like there's a lot of love winging its way from blogland to you and the little buns. Thinking of you all xxx

  31. awwwwww bless you and your dear family xxxxx such a hard,difficult sad time to deal with. my father ran a small animal sanctuary for wild injured animals...we had a pet fox its mother and other cubs killed by cars...all the animals seemed to have road related injuries...very sad. my dad cared for them until they could be released back into the has made some amazing things but animals live in the world too...just wish peps would kill their speed. best wishes to your dear family xxxx kazzy xxxx

  32. I'm so sorry, Lisa. And I absolutely understand your indescribable grief. ((hugs)) to your whole family.

  33. so sorry - it is so hard

  34. I am so sorry for your families loss, a pet is priceless. Lots of big hugs and kisses to you all. Hugs,Your Friend in California, Diane

  35. Oh my goodness I am in floods of tears reading this post and feeling every ounce of your grief.
    You poor poor things. It must be the worst thing to have to go through with a pet (I use that term 'pet' loosley as they are obviously another family member)
    I feel there is no more I can say other than...
    I am thinking of you and your family at this sad time.
    Sending you a virtual hug!

  36. OMG i just want to get hold of that flaming twat that ahs done this to you're beautiful cat and lovely family. Makes my blood boil to think someone could of been so reckless.
    And not even a care in the world of what affect it is having on you all.
    Love and hugs to you and you're little buns
    in time the pain will ease. but i know what you mean about the grief it hurts like hell.
    i've been there 3 now and can tell you that the happy memories melt the sad ones away

  37. So very sorry for your loss , wish i could think of something to say that would make it better .

    all i can do is send you a big hug
    Sara x

  38. I am so sorry for your loss, our cat Ginger passed away last month, he was my Hannah's best friend.
    I know just how you feel.
    I am sending you a very big hug..x

  39. So sorry to hear such sad news,nothing I can say will make the pain for all of you any easier,lots of love from us coming your way,gentle blessings beckyxx

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I always try to get back and reply, but sometimes this may take a bit longer as pets and children always seem to need attention around here.

Bobo X

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