
Monday 21 June 2010

All in a Day

I've fitted as much as I can into the longest day of the year, but still I couldn't quite do it all. Plans to see a friend were scuppered by my poor memory. I'd forgotten I'd said yes to gluing, cutting and crowd control at the Buns school today. Help was needed on a fairly overambitious project - twenty four 7 - 9 year olds copying panels from The Bayeux tapestry. Many had the concentration of a goldfish, can't say I blame them, I'd have been bored by it too.

Time alone meant more making for Bobo Bun. A list of to do's as long as the day itself and a market to get ready for on Saturday. I sat content, surrounded by a ball or two of yarn and caught up with Saturday's Dr Who on the iplayer as I hooked and clicked away.

I also fitted in a spot of garden tidying. Mine happens in bursts when feeding the hens or clearing up dog poo and I end up pulling up a weed or two. Today I found a poorly tree about to collapse so I tied a length of ribbon around it and to another one to pull it upward again. Hidden underneath that saggy tree I found these heavenly scented roses.

Then there was still a wee bit of time left for faffing before collecting the Buns from school. Cushion rearrangement was the activity I settled on.

We ended the day with a meal together, a bonfire which has burnt all night and for the grownups we watched the latest Sherlock Holmes which was a brilliant movie, a wonderful end to a very long day.


  1. That is a stunning rose, just beautiful!!
    Yummy yarn too, I would just love to have a play with that. :)
    Vivienne x

  2. Sounds like a truely productive & pleasurable day.. Nice work Mrs Bun. you have inspired me to get moving on my day.

  3. You always seem to fit so much into your days! That rose was indeed a wonderful find.Such a divine colour.

    Bellaboo :0)

  4. What a busy bee you are.

    But this wonderful weather and the light evenings makes us busy bees bumble.


  5. I managed to watch the sun set last night, but that was my limit yesterday - not allllll day mind you though just watching it move around the house yesterday would of been pretty nice as well.

    We're still waiting to see Sherlock Holmes - gawd knows why as I simple adore Robert Downey Jnr...mmmmmm.

    take care,

    Nina xxxxxx

  6. I actually forgot it was the longest day til it was over.Doh!

  7. Goodness, I am worn out just reading all that! Well done for fitting so much into 1 day.

  8. sounds like another bust day!

  9. Wow, what a busy day, after all that, you deserve a nice cuppa tea and a slice of cake. :) xx

  10. I planned to celebrate the first day of summer with a classic grilled summer meal enjoyed on the deck and then some lazing and laughing around the table afterward. But my husband for some reason mused aloud, "It's so hot, why don't we eat inside?" And the kids agreed. And the summery celebration was gone in a flash. :(

    I think it was good you grabbed a last few moments to yourself . . . enough with school activities that require so much wrangling and help.

  11. Oh, I know such days, when it seems that a whole month is pushed into one single day. Exhausting, exciting, never ending, but in memory one of the best days because it was also interesting, busy, filled with so many different things and all was managed easily. Lovely, happy and productive days, I sometimes wish I would manage more of them.
    Have a relaxed afternoon in reverse today,
    with my best wishes, S.


Thanks for stopping by and leaving me a comment. I read all of them and really appreciate you taking the time to say hello.
I always try to get back and reply, but sometimes this may take a bit longer as pets and children always seem to need attention around here.

Bobo X

Me Made May 2018

This month I'm taking part in Me Made May, hosted by Zoe of .  Oh and if you head on over to her blog y...