
Monday 7 November 2011

Waving Goodbye to Alan

Time seems to be racing ahead and I've gone into slow mode. I'm having a go at doing everything at once and hardly getting anything done at all. This always happens when life gets a bit mad. Your well wishes about my dad were just the right bit of medicine, so thank you all. He's finally off the Acute ward and now he's having fun watching the world go by on a normal ward.

I made sure I had some time for planning and thinking today. I got out a selection of books with pictures that inspire me, plopped a few piles of fabric on the table and thought about all the things I could start making.

Somehow I just never got past the thinking stage. Today I lacked the energy. I have plans for that soft fleecy tartan to become a tunic for Eldest; I've squares I need to cut to become purses and pencil cases; there's an idea involving toadstools and all sorts of bits knitted and hooked that are waiting to be sewn into brooches. Ho hum, they'll just have to wait for another day.

Somehow I did pull my finger out to do something with the ripple blanket that got given up on. I started rippling away two summers ago, but stopped a long time ago as the colours stopped exciting me. Today I got out the scissors, chopped through it and the blanket became a cushion.

Now I've left introducing Alan until last as he's a bit of a freaky lad.

Left in my hands the Penny for the Guy was more the Invisible Man in his prison gear. The wig had to go as Mr Bun wanted it back for next Halloween.

By the next night, Alan had been born minus the lemon yellow hair and woolly hat I gave him later on. Alfie Blue found a new friend and snuggled up on Alan all night. I think he'd curl up on a burglars lap that daft dog.

There were some amazing Guys for the competition at school. Ours perked up after a can of Thunderbird, but he didn't win. On Saturday they were all in the village hall to meet the locals before the fireworks began and now ours wants to come home as some small bright sparks got upset at the thought of Alan being burnt. I think I might leave him peeking over the hedge.


  1. Ha ha... how funny to think of a 'Guy' refusing to leave home! I think you should give him to Alfie Blue as a warm bed for the winter! So glad your Dad is getting better :)x

  2. Oh dear - we nearly had the same at the weekend when my little niece decided she wasn't keen on 'Lucy' going on the bonfire - but she changed her mind at the last moment!!

  3. Hey sweet pea, I am so glad to hear that your father is getting better- what a relief.

    I love your ideas for the tartan, and like you, I have a half finished ripple throw STILL in progress- uum why is that, I run out of steam with big projects.
    I am glad that GUY wasn't burnt. the whole concept is quite gruesome (lol) enjoy your week xxx

  4. So glad to hear your dad is getting better i hope the recovery is a quick one. Alan is smashing no wonder the children didn't want to burn him. Your crochet cushion looks fab ;-) Be gentle on yourself, dee xx

  5. Glad to hear your dad is on the mend, it's always a worrying time when your loved ones are taken into hospital.

    I am like you at the moment, I cannot seem to get it all together. I have so much to do, that I don;t know where to start, or I start it all and get nowhere and in such a mess! Last week was very chaotic and I am thinking it will take forever to get sorted. I have succumbed to some lurgy too, typical, so any sort of order this week will be unachievable!

    Love the cushion! I have fallen out of love with quite a few projects started, I think I need to re-assess what they should be!

    Have a lovely day!

    Vanessa xxx

  6. So glad to hear your dad is on the mend Lisa and I love your ripple cushion.

    Alan - ahhhh, bless him and such a fetching fellow as well.

    Have a lovely day and hopefully not too mad.

    Nina x

  7. You have to sympathise with poor Alan too, he had a very short life,was born, loved for a very short time and then cast onto the flames by the very people who gave him life. Its a cruel world. Glad your dad's doing well x

  8. Awe, Alan could be Alfie Blue's friend for life!!!!
    Hope your Dad continues to get better.
    Vivienne x

  9. Gotta love the dog on the lap snap!!

    So whats next for Alan??

  10. I laughed so hard at your dog curled up on Alan, I have one that would do the same. x

  11. best wishes to your father ;0)
    i love looking through books and collecting ideas, i recognise the boats- love the fabric you have, such lovely colours and patterns ;0)
    i keep lacking in creative buzz factor - i get things out, sit by my sewing machine and seem to land in laa laa land...i did giggle about your doggy curling up on burglars if he got the chance.

    enjoy your blog so much x

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. So pleased to read that your Dad is on the mend x

    Apologies for the deleted comment ... somehow half the word verification word - pastabl - turned up in what was published, and wishing your Dad pasta seemed kind of inappropriate.

  14. Sorry I've only just caught up with you news, I've been hunched over a red hot felting needle. Very sorry to hear about your dad, no wonder you haven't been able to settle to anything. So glad to hear he's on the mend.

  15. Alfie looks so sweet snuggled up to your guy! I do love Alfie. I'm sorry to hear your dad has been unwell, and that he is getting better. What was that phrase you used in your comment on my blog ? Poo to illness. I know just what you mean.

  16. OMG you brave thing cutting through crochet!! Worth it though looks great.

    Alan is FREAKY!

    I'm working backwards through your posts so I'm glad to hear your Dad is doing well.



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Bobo X

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