
Friday 6 January 2012

How many sides does a Hexie have?

I'm on a blogging roll at the moment. Soon my blog fix will have to be reined in and fitted around more days of teaching, like everything it'll find a new rythmn.

My best far too far away friend who sends me gifts from upside down land and I have our own gift sending rythmns.  Her birthday is at the beginning of November. I always miss it and then put together a mish mash of bits and bobs in a parcel that might just make it for christmas. This year she got it yesterday, which is quite a nice surprise when you're not expecting it. I was pipped to the post mind you as I got a lovely parcel last weekend. I've been wearing my heart bracelet ever since. I've also got a stripy bagful of colourful bobbles and fabric to get more ideas bubbling away. The washday bag was a New Years gift from my mum, just because with some peppermint soap in it. I like surprises, nice ones of course.

On a visit to Summerfete the other day she mentioned a blog called  Molly Flanders. I popped over for a visit and was thoroughly inspired by her beautiful work and use of colour. When I saw these hexagon flowers laid out I just couldn't stop thinking about them. After laying in the bath waxing lyrical to Mr Bun (sat in the chair beside me) about the beautiful colours, the shapes and how I want one too I decided to get on with it there and then that night.

I dragged out lots of my stash and plonked it here and there. I never work to a huge plan. I have an idea where I want to go, know what I like and what I think works and just let it happen as I go along.

After a bit I settled on my first hexagon colour way. Satisfied that my plan was already started I went to bed happy. The next day I struggled to make a hexagon shape. Mathmatically I think I'm possibly a moron, but somehow I've got through life so far. I've even taught basic maths which is quite funny really as it turned out I knew more than I thought I did. I still think maths is deathly dull mind you, anyways I'm going off on a tangent (which is probably a mathmatical thingy too). Back to hexies, there must be a formula I guess for making an even sided hexagon? I opted for an odd shaped one in the end where I jiggle with the fabric and we'll just have to see what happens won't we.

With my paper pieces made, off I went, cutting, tacking and stitching. I think this might be a long project, but at least I've made big hexies so that helps me get a bit of speed on.

When I was adding the link to Summerfete I saw she had written a quick tutorial on this technique (except her shapes look right unlike mine) which is called English Paper Piecing apparently. If you want some patchy inspiration I heartily suggest you pop on over to visit these ladies too.


  1. How strange I read that tutorial yesterday. I cheated with my shapes and copied one from a book. my maths stinks.

  2. Hi , I love summerfete too and I saw that link...just stunning. There is something about Hexagons that is so appealing.
    Through blogland I've also realised you can download and print sheets of hexagon shapes to cut out and use. Kandipandi had a link a while back .I've just googled "hexagon shapes to download " and there are quite a few on offer. I likes those at Moxyideas.
    I'm making crochet hexagons at the template required :0)
    Have a great weekend
    Jacquie x

  3. My very first grown up 'craft' project was a hexagon patchwork. There's something very relaxing about the rhythm of tacking and piecing. I know I've got an unfinished piece lurking in a cupboard somewhere I ought to dig out and finish. Hexagons are in the air at the moment, Jane Brocket's at it, and I'm knitting hexipuffs! Love all your fabric scraps, it's going to look amazing pieced

  4. Blimey you must have some patience. I don't think I could contemplate starting anything like that, I like to have the end in sight!
    Admiring your cardi in the first photo. I was eying up a zingy green sleeveless one in White Stuff yesterday. Trouble is most of my wardrobe is zingy green or turquoise so I'm finding hard to justify. Maybe when they do one of their discount days...
    Have a fabby weekend

  5. oh thank you so much for mentioning the blog of molly flanders, I haven't come across her before and I'm now feeling completely inspired and dying to get hexagon cutting!!
    Jessie xo

  6. This is beautiful and a great post, i look forward to seeing more of it ..
    Have a great day :)
    Mantha xx

  7. Molly Flanders is one of my favorites!!! I just adore your is like a color explosion on this page...also the dear little bag with the clothes sweet..that is my favorite subject for embroidery....can't wait to see how this comes out!!

  8. Your hexies are looking great!!! They are a bit addicting - and I definitely need to get back to my GFG now that all the Holiday hub-bub is over!!! Your fabric choices are fantastic. Love your blog :)

  9. Hi Bobo!!
    Thanks for sharing our links.
    Your colours look just up my street, you sound like your buzzing as much as me!!

  10. I got my hexie paper pieces template from a blog called Texas Freckles and I printed ALOT and got to work cutting them out and cutting 2" square pieces of fabric with my rotary cutter. Covered about 2000 paper hexies.
    I've sewn together about 1m x 1 1/2m so far and love hand stitching so much. It's all a bit addictive really and a real labour of love! Have fun!
    Ali x

  11. Ahh quilting is something else I want to do this year. The hexigans look lovely. I feel the same about maths too. Trouble it is it seems to turn up in amongst the most fun! Sort like a dull boy who just want to join in! lol.

    MBB x

  12. I love hexies, I got my original template with some Laura Ashley patchwork pieces in the 70's.
    You have some lovely material.
    Carol xx

  13. this made me laugh out loud. If i hadn't seen the images and you'd asked me how many sides one had I'd have said 5 hang on maybe 6? Showed the post to dh and he said well imagine its a circle so divide the cirlce in two and you've got 180 degrees - divided equally into 3 60 degree angle triangles, mirrored. Or sthg like that. Makes sense. Simples;
    Full of admiration that you are tackling it. I am currently in bed doing nothing but looking at blogs . Worn out through v hard work yesterday and time of the month exhaustion! Lovely. xx Gabs

  14. Ohhh im so happy to see you making a hexagon quilt i loved doing mine just putting the colours together and making the flowers up is such a thrill. Its really easy once you know how. I just used a ruler to measure my sides and made them all equal and the paper inset i just made slightly smaller and just used brown wrapping paper. My template for the fabric was just a piece of cereal box. You will so enjoy doing it it really is a labour of love and great to just pick it up when you need something to do. Have fun can't wait watch it grow. dee xx

  15. I've been ummmming and ahhhhing about a 365 project and the most prominent thought has been sewn hexie's ! I made a few last summer and loved the therapeutic sewing, I hadn't made these since my junior school days and it was a lovely memory making time for me. I think I found them a lot harder when I was wee though! So I'm off to your links for even more inspiration and I love your idea of making a larger hexagons, perfect! Your fabric will look so beautiful together, I always love your colour combinations.
    ps. I have a bestest friend in upside down land too and it's a treasure getting little lovelies in the post xox i totally understand this.

  16. Have fun with your hexies. I'm off to have a look at Molly Flanders now as her colours look great. When we were kids we were taught to draw a hexagon with a compass. Draw a circle, then place the point of the compass somewhere on the circle line. With the pencil end make a little mark further along the circle, in each direction. Then, move your point to the mark and make another mark. You should end up with 6 equal marks. Then, rule lines to joint them up to make a hexie. The only thing is, I don't know how to calculate how long the finished sides end up. These days it is just easier to buy or download templates. I'm looking forward to following your progress.

  17. beautiful fabrics, looking forward to seeing what comes of your plan ! x

  18. Just found your blog and love it! Became your newest follower and will be back to look around a bit more. Happy New Year!
    Susanne :)

  19. I used to spend hours stitching these as a teenager. EPP was something everyone in my family did. It was years before I realised that you could seam patchwork! Reading your post my fingers are now itching to have a go again! Love your colour choices :D

  20. love the little flower shapes and the fact that straight after your bath you were onto this :) :)...have fun..x x x x

  21. Janice beat me to it and has already described how to draw an accurate hexagon using compasses. The length of the circle radius (distance between point and pencil of your compasses) will be the same length as the sides of your hexagon - so you can easily draw them to the size you need :-) No need for maths or downloaded templates.


  22. lovely hexies ;0)
    look at the colourful material- i was looking through my mothers sewing things and half finished patchworks also two lovely big finished ones she has on her bed and in the spare room- materials and fabric prints i remember as a child, brings back wonderful nostalgic memories ;0)xx

  23. love those hexies, colours are just gorgeous together. great choices.


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I always try to get back and reply, but sometimes this may take a bit longer as pets and children always seem to need attention around here.

Bobo X

Me Made May 2018

This month I'm taking part in Me Made May, hosted by Zoe of .  Oh and if you head on over to her blog y...