
Sunday 15 January 2012

Riding on a See - Saw

I'm having a big think about how I'm going to balance and juggle all the things I want to do and have to do. How to teach four days a week, keep designing and selling as Bobo Bun, enjoy family life and do all the general dogsbody PA stuff I seem to do for my lot. There are things I've realised I'll have to drop for a bit is we're all going to keep sane. So I'm trying to think of new ways of doing stuff so I only have to chuck a few.

All of this thinking is making it hard for me to settle on anything at the moment. All week I've been starting one thing and then hopping on to another. I'm all over the place waiting for my new routines to start and trying to get stuff sorted as I won't be around to do it next week.

I've got two blankets on the go, so madly I've started another one inspired by a sighting on Jane's blog.

On Friday, after another session with the dentist, I made myself finish off the green barkcloth cushion that I'd started chopping up on Monday. That made me feel better.

I also get bored really quickly and excited by new ideas, materials and yarns. With my head in a spin, ideas flicking around and all sorts of started and not finished stuff around here I'm trying to get a bit of focus.
Although I have another couple of new distractions. I've started knitting a tea cosy as I just love them, it's  the taste of tea I hate. Mr Bun and Little Bun have begun to take tea together and I do love the whole ceremony of the pot and the milk jug so something cheery and fancy for our pot will be perfect.

Hiding underneath is some gorgeous Amy Butler that I managed to get for £5 a metre. I had my eye on it last year to make a skirt or dress. Really glad I waited now as I love a bargain. I just need to find the dress pattern that I've got in mind and I'm sure I'll get going one day soon.

My hexie is going along slowly, but I knew that would be a long project perfect for every now and then. I've had to unpick the stripy red hexies as it turned out I didn't have enough fabric. Must remind myself to check supplies first next time. Mind you it gave me the ideal excuse to pick up a few more bits for my stash while I was out mooching.

I just need to sort out a few crafty bits to take with me to work tommorow. I never get a lunch break as there's always something to sort out, but new rule to myself is to take one of my projects in to work on as a distraction from it all. 

Have a lovely week and I'll see you somewhere in the middle of it all.


  1. My answer to it seems be stay up really late! It is hard as teaching means so much work comes home with you that perhaps wouldn't with other jobs. I've not really managed that balance very well and tipping into 4 days certainly makes a difference on the weeks I do that. Sorry, that's not very encouraging I know. You could let your house get really grubby and live off ready meals but I can't imagine that somehow.
    Good luck
    Keep juggling

  2. I feel a bit jumbly at the moment too but with a deep breath and a little bit of ruthless thrown in, you will find a balance, I'm sure.

    Hang on in there.


  3. Wow... I honestly don't know how you fit it all in,I tell myself not to worry too much about the stuff I can't fit in as only I will know they haven't been done.Also have limited my time on the pc which helps a bit, have a good week lovely Lisa and take it easy x x x x x x

  4. good luck with the balancing , and the new four day week - just dont forget to breath !!!!. I am in love with that green barkcloth you have so pretty .

  5. oooh goodness....thought that was going to be a 'need to take a break from blogging' type post. PHEW!

    Yes, keep juggling.
    I too had my eye on janes latest blanket - if she's not careful she'll need to start doing bag checks before i leave her house. (in fact, she had probably better check I'm leaving with the bag I arrived with...tee heee)

    have a good week - and keep on juggling!
    (I can NEVER fit everything in. I tend to put the housework at the bottom of the list...)

  6. I'm cross stitching, I'm crocheting (blanket), I'm patchworking....... so many things I'd like to do. I really don't know how you fit it all in (I'm retired and there is only the two of us)
    Hope you get the 'balance' right for you.
    Carol xx

  7. Life is really hard to juggle at times i think its best to realise that were not women that have super powers and that its got to be one thing at a time so be gentle on yourself. Your crochet cushions have you backed them in fabric? Have a good week, dee xx

  8. For the past few months I have been like that. My head flits from one thing to another so quickly that I cannot concentrate and stick with something for long enough. I am trying hard to get a grip this year though, to finish all my WIP's first and to start to try and get my days into a particular type of order so I feel like I have a structure. I am hoping that will help....but it's tough when your mind is so full of all kinds of stuff!

    I'm sure you will find a good balance though and things will all fall into a nice steady pace.

    Have a super day!

    Vanessa xxx

  9. Good luck with balancing all that you need to. Its hard finding the time between what has to/needs to and what you what to do!

    Love the start of your tea cosy it looks lovely and that basket with the woolie colourful squares.

    Hope you have a good week without too much stress.

    MBB x

  10. This was such a wonderful post for me to read because I feel the same way...working full time, being a mom and running teenagers all around and just trying to do it all...whoosh! Sometimes I take my creative stuff to work and have a go at it on my lunch break. Some times I will do things early in the morning but I have to go to bed early. Surley there is a balance...good luck :) <3

  11. I'm always amazed you have time to make all those wonderful things have 2 kiddlies AND blog Mrs are already a superwoman in my eyes! I'm sure things will work out just fine for you, just go with the flow as they say.
    I'm in LURVE with that new cushion of yours, you find the most scrumptious of fabrics. x

  12. Thanks so much for your very sympathetic post Lisa! I knew I'd be taken to task by someone from the chicken mafia about that post. Well its my blog and I decided that I'm not going to be bullied into what I write or don't write about.

    What can I say, I'm a meat eater but I don't think that excludes you from keeping hens too. And at least I'm as ethical as possible about it, everything we eat is organic and free range and local too actually. Each to their own (they'd better go and read anothter blog I think) and I'm so very appreciative of your words being from a family of vegetarians. That means an awful lot. You're right you know, they never leave their names do they!

    And I'm not at all organsied you know, not at all, you should see my laundry pile!You can only do so much can't you and this shopping local lark is what makes me tick I think. Remember I don't craft (because I'm inept) so I guess that frees up a free minutes.

    Thanks again Lisa, btw I am in awe of the barkcloth cushion, absolutley lovely! And you must let me know when you have one of your lovely floral felt posy brooches for sale again. I could treat myself now I think.
    Take care and have a smashing week.
    Love Stephx

  13. Good luck with the juggling - teaching is hard work and it can be difficult not to take too much home with you. I really struggled with striking the right balance when I was teaching and I dread to think how difficult it must be with a family!

    I love, love, love the cushions in this post. Such lovely colours :)

    Gem x

  14. Good luck with getting all those thoughts and ideas sorted in your mind ...... my mind seems to be a tangle of thoughts and ideas which I keep meaning to sit down and sort out before the year runs away again. x

  15. Hi Lisa
    i can completely relate to this post and am almost starting to fee fearful about going back to full time employment with the thought of having much less time to hand make and create beautiful things. I start my new job at the end of February and although I'm really excited about it, a little niggling voice inside of me is panicking at the thought of less free time to be ME. Like you I'm sure I will find my way around it and all these things will fall into place. Thanks for your beautiful honesty xox
    ps. I'm hexie after reading your post and now I feel like crocheting a new blanket after this post. Oh dear I like to think that great minds think alike :0)

  16. Hi Lisa
    i can completely relate to this post and am almost starting to fee fearful about going back to full time employment with the thought of having much less time to hand make and create beautiful things. I start my new job at the end of February and although I'm really excited about it, a little niggling voice inside of me is panicking at the thought of less free time to be ME. Like you I'm sure I will find my way around it and all these things will fall into place. Thanks for your beautiful honesty xox
    ps. I'm hexie after reading your post and now I feel like crocheting a new blanket after this post. Oh dear I like to think that great minds think alike :0)

  17. I find the cleaning can be easily dropped....

    I do sympathise because I so often find myself wishing there were more hours in the day, it definitely makes sense to drop anything that isn't giving you anything back.


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I always try to get back and reply, but sometimes this may take a bit longer as pets and children always seem to need attention around here.

Bobo X

Me Made May 2018

This month I'm taking part in Me Made May, hosted by Zoe of .  Oh and if you head on over to her blog y...