
Monday 14 January 2013

Baby it's Cold Outside

While we're waiting for England to turn white under a snowy blanket, I've been immersing myself in as much colour as I can. I've so many ideas bubbling around in my head of things I want to make. First I needed a good old fashioned sort out. That way I do a look over all the bits and bobs I have and gather some more ideas as I go along. 

At the weekend I wound my remaining threads onto wooden pegs. I'd seen this here and there and thought they look so pretty as well as being useful. I needed the threads to finish off a quick project I'd started the weekend before.

Before I got on with that I decided the yarn situation needed taking in hand. Baskets with unfinished things in them are breeding at an alarming rate and I needed to get a bit firmer with myself. I have to admit there are other bags of yarn and more still in our large school-room cupboard. By the end of my sort out I'd filled two bags with mixed yarn that I think Little Bun's school will make more use of than me. I feel a bit more on top of things now (although I have to admit I started a crochet cowl from a new magazine and a knitted beret not long after this). It's so addictive watching the new shapes, colours and textures take shape. I've just got to learn to be a better finisher up of things.

Late last night I did manage tofinish up my quick project. I loved the jolly colours and embroidery of these wee knitted coasters from 30 minute Knits when I saw the picture of them. Now they're done it's the blue with rosebuds that I like the best.

Around my sorting there was a lot of swimming this weekend. A swim party was on the cards and neither of our girls are confident swimmers even though they're really good. Mr ended up taking them a couple of times, while my part was to sit for a couple of hours on Saturday night by a pool. Better warm and dry say I. By Sunday Little Bun and Miss Rosey just wanted to snuggle up. Alfie climbed on board as snuggling is his most favourite thing in the world. I joined them for a snuggle once Blandings was on. I'm so glad they loved it too as I can't think of anything better for a Sunday evening than being cosy and enjoying English eccentricity at it's best.

Meanly around this there was far too much homework to be done and an 11+ exam to prepare for. Next Saturday Little Bun sits the entrance exam for Miss Rosey's high school.  I'll be so glad for her when it's over and done with and we know what will be. 

All too suddenly the weekend was over. It was dark, far too early and Miss Rosey was yelling at me to get up. When I arrived home after chauffeur duty I found a parcel from Pomme de Jour that I'd been eagerly waiting for. In her etsy shop are far too many delights and temptations.

I settled on three very different vibrant fabrics that I wanted very badly. I probably have far more plans in my head for the green anenome fabric than there is yardage. That's part of the excitement of buying old I think. The amount of something can also determine what you actually make with it so a piece of fabric that was once a bedspread has now been cut to become bags and cushions say. Whatever it becomes I'm just enjoying looking at them all for now.


  1. I do like those coasters you've knitted, they're gorgeous, I like them all! We're all so different aren't we? I don't like having unfinished things around and get quite stressed about them. I'd rather sit and suffer finishing than start something new. ;) Good luck to Little Bun!xx

  2. Baskets full of yarn look so tempting ... how could you possibly ignore some of these projects? I adore your little black pug with his tongue hanging out - so cute! Good luck to your daughter with her exams ... I really feel for my kids when they have such demands put on them - part of being a parent I guess.

  3. Oooh love your rosebdu blue coaster too hun!
    Tilly x

  4. Ooo really enjoyed looking at your pretty baskets of yarny things. I find getting started can be a problem for me. Once I have committed to a project I generally finish but that said there have been a few pushed to one side where I have not felt the love for them! Part of the creative mind I guess.

    My girls do bring home homework though they are younger than your two lovelies. I have to say I have had to bite my tongue a bit and to encourage them to get on with their homework. As in the past shall we say I have been a bit vocal for my apathy towards said homework. (Why do they need it at such a young age?) And it was rubbing off on them a bit. And knowing it will only get more intense as they get older and more important too. All the fun of being a parent! lol.

    I can see why you choose those lovely fabrics I shall look forward to seeing what you make out of them.

    Aww your pup is so cute and sensible lad, snuggles are the best!

    P x

  5. Ooooh, divine fabrics, Lisa. I have the same design as the cream/floral one though the colours are a little different and it's one of my faves ever. The green and purple is marvellous, too. We saw Blandings too, and the Munchkin declared it "bonkers" which was a compliment coming from him! Just today, he sat the entrance exam for his senior school. He said it was hard. Oh dear!
    Hen x

  6. All that yarn, all those colours! I'm hyperventilating! That fabric is wonderful, I've had a firm word with myself (not sure it will work!), I'm not to buy ANY MORE fabric, well not until there is a little more shelf space that is! Hope the exams go well :) x

  7. Those sorting sessions can be really satisfying. They can also be really alarming when I turf out boxes and bags and r4ealise quite how much 'stuff' I have!
    Nice basket collection and I love the blue and green coasters in particular.
    Have a good week

  8. Best of luck to Little Bun, I hope it all goes well. I love all those baskets full of unfinished projects - makes me feel a little better about starting things and then abandoning them to start another - not to mention feeling better about my basket collection (very inferior to yours!). And hurrah for Pomme De Jour; we are having a very thrifty January but there is something in her shop that I have my eye on - if it's still there next month it's meant to be mine! Hope you have a good week. Rachel xxx

  9. Such prettiness, and I love your new fabrics!! xo Heather

  10. Happy New Year old bean... such gorgeousness as ever xxx

  11. What a gorgeous colourful post ... I love the new fabrics ... Pomme du Jour is a temptation indeed ... just watching Blandings now ... it was filmed at Crom Castle ... one of our local National Trust properties and where we went to have our wedding photos taken ... a special place for us ... Bee xx

  12. Oh dear, I missed Blandings, completely forgot it was on, I'll have to catch up on iPlayer.

    Love the new fabrics, very jolly, in fact it looks to have been a jolly weekend.

    Hope you get just as much snow as you want :D

  13. Threads on pegs, what a brilliant idea! Good luck to our Little Bun, we have a similar activity planned for this Saturday with my Taller Daughter and I am very much looking forward to it being over and done with.

  14. I can't believe I missed Blandings - time to launch the iplayer. I'm glad I'm not the only one with lots of projects in baskets - I'm trying to resist their siren call while I finish the Christmas knitting

  15. Had to have a smile at all your baskets brimming with colour and those new fabrics are gorgeous - top left is my favourite I could look at that all day. Hope Little Bun sails through on Saturday - we are all sending her positive vibes! Blandings was very funny - we have just watched it at teatime - Timothy Spall is perfect in the part. Karen xx

  16. Hi Lisa
    Firstly, not to worry about Millie emailing Alice, it's been a busy weekend and week for us so far and I can appreciate that Millie might be getting a little nervous for Saturday. I do hope she feels confident and calm about it and that it works out for her x
    I love your basket collection, I have limited mine to 2 , one for my never ending needing attention hexie patchwork quilt and the other for my umteen unfinished tea cosies, gloves and all other yarny sorts. There is just so much to try and the temptation to start another project is simply too difficult to resist!
    Your coasters are so pretty and will look lovely with all your homely pretties. I love the stripy fish amongst loads others in that book. I have a desperate desire to crochet now after knitting my hat. I am involved in Ada's swap and have some gloves to crochet up, a perfect excuse to get yarn shopping again ;o)
    Hope the snow isn't too hideous in stopping life moving for you.I thought of you and Planet Penny as they were talking about Norfolk on the radio as I drove home.So pretty it is but not always practical! Keep the home fire burning x Penelope

  17. 3 things learnt from this lovely post.
    1)I don't have THAT much wool
    2)Tonight I will mostly be messing with pegs and embroidery threads
    3) I NEED some knitted coasters
    Great eye candy!


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Bobo X

Me Made May 2018

This month I'm taking part in Me Made May, hosted by Zoe of .  Oh and if you head on over to her blog y...