
Wednesday 16 January 2013

Stolen Time

All the school's around us, including Little Bun's school were closed today. Miss Rosey's was open, but there was no way I was driving there after the hideous journey home yesterday. Ironically all the buses in Norwich were cancelled, apart from our wee village bus which only runs twice a day, so Mr Bun hopped onto that in a manly fashion. I took the brave option of staying home with the girlies. 

After making sure all the furries were alive (it was -8 last night so I was a bit worried about a stiff rabbit or hens) I lit an early morning fire and snuggled for a while with my crochet. I can't believe that with no heating we're still managing ok with two heaters and two fires, but we are.

I have big expectations of finishing this project before all this coldness has gone so I get the benefit. I got the pattern for this cowl scarf from a new to me crochet magazine. I had gone to look for Simply Crochet, but I wasn't too interested in it to be honest. The patterns and colours they used were for the kind of crochet I don't like. I'll keep an open mind as I might like future copies, but for £4.99 it needs to be worth it. Inside Crochet had lots of articles that interested me alongside tons of patterns that I know I will be having a go at so that's money well spent as far as I'm concerned.  

The yarn I'm using is Sirdar Big Softie which I got for half price. The place I went to buy it from was sadly closing down so I was pleased with my saving, but felt sad at seeing yet another shop close down. 

I really like how they've styled the photos in this magazine too. I've never been too keen on the thought of a crocheted jumper and as for a skirt, well I don't think that'll be happening any time ever, but this jumper has a cute 50's style to it that I really like.

Then there are these super-soft slippers which I know the Bun's would love and a bag made from that new spaghetti yarn (wrong spelling I know) which I'd love to try out.

How can I ever really keep my head down to just one make at a time when there are so many fabulous things out there that keep tempting me with their delights?

As time ticked on I found we had no bread and hardly any milk so a snowy walk down to the village shop was called for. Just a few paces down from our cottage is this idyllic field. In the spring we see ducks waddling along or a bunny stopping to watch the world go by. This morning all was still and quiet.

Then the peace was shattered by a snowball flying through the air and Miss Rosey shrieking as she was hit.

Once we'd filled our bags with goodies from the village emporium we headed home to knock up a couple of snowmen. We have Wee Percy and Big Momma to keep him company.

The ladies watched our shenanigins, but stayed put waiting for Maggie to finish in the henhouse.

Finally I was allowed back in. Before you could blink, the kettle was on and a moment later there was a mocha coffee for me and two creamy hot chocs with crumpets for the Bun's.

After lunch I faniced a spot of fabric chopping. I've started hand-sewing the flag quilt which I'll show you another day, but I've had in my mind a while now a spring flower quilt made of simple squares with the stitching running from corner to corner.

I got out my cutting mat and the rotary blade to cut my squares properly only to find the blade was blunt. Just when I fancied jumping into something new. Back to the scissors for now then. I managed a fair few squares before we had to get on with nasty maths homework and then on to cook the next blinking meal. I find when the Bun's are off the whole day seems taken up with sorting out meals. Musn't grumble though because this stolen day has been lovely.


  1. I've just been mesmerised by the beauty of the tress today, it's a pity it's soooo cold though! Looks great but soooooo cold! As you know I'm really loving the Hooky Habit at the mo so brought the Simply Crochet magazine, it was nice but not sure about the valve, but if I'm honest, I'm not too sure about MM and the cost (although I am now a subscriber, seduced by the Libery prints!). I'm not sure if it's as I get older my expectations are getting higher....or I'm just getting tighter! :) x should read trees, my iPad doesn't let me change the odd word, and I can't be bothered to retype this!!!

  2. I loved reading about your unexpected, stolen day ... They are the best!

    Love Claire xxx

  3. it just looks so beautiful though, blooming freezing mind you. we had black ice on the pavements this morning though not the snow they promised...a dusting if anything.

    Nina x

  4. Wow, you have had a lot of snow. Ours was just an overnight sprinkle which melted as quick as it came. I have high hopes for this weekend though, I love me a bit of snow! Great to have a stolen day, it sounds like you got the balance just right between having your time and then family time. I'm pleased that your heating arrangements are working out too, what I would do for a working fire place to warm my toes in the evenings....
    I had a quick flick through the Inside crochet and almost bout it in view of the 50's jumper but I'm not sure about the scalloped edge for me. I'm yet to see the new Simply crochet, I think it has had a bit of hype about it which irritates me at times, feels like the Emperor's new clothes ....x Hope the rest of the week is kind to you all x P

  5. So glad you got your snow day! You really made the most of it. I learnt to crochet a couple of years ago and started a blanket, but have forgotten how to do it. Looking at that bag and cowl, I need to learn again! Julie x

  6. What a beautiful place to live! We're in the city and haven't had any snow yet; just a lot of cold! But at least it hasn't been raining incessantly like it was a few weeks ago. Looking forward to seeing your quilt and your finished cowl - I love the colour you're using. Stay warm! Rachel x

  7. Stolen days are the best aren't they. We haven't really had any snow to speak of though there are rumours flying about that some might arrive on Friday. I think my girls are hopeful.

    It sounds like you all had fun though a bit of snow play then a lovely hot drink sounds like heaven!

    Ooo like some of the projects in your magazine those slippers particularly. I know what you mean though about a magazine being worth the price. i do find some of these crafty mags have not a lot of content for the price.

    I am with you with the endless round of feeding when the family is home. My other half works from home a lot so when the girls are off too its like the feeding of the 5,000! lol.

    Here is to snowy days and stolen time.

    P x

  8. How exciting to get a day of school for snow! And what a gorgeous walk to the shops. The only reason to get a day of here would be an extreme heatwave (don't think that has happened) or floods (which did happen 2 years ago and left us without power for a week on SCHOOL HOLIDAYS!). I am doing intermittent crochet in the summer heat which makes me look like a crazy cat lady and yep totally know what you mean about the food situation. Over here it is food making,eating and cleaning up just in time for another I'm hungry mum! Think there must be growth spurts going on before school goes back. mel x

  9. Oh my what a fabulous stolen day! The projects you have picked out of Inside Crochet are the same ones I would like to do, the cowl looks so snuggly, the slippers so cute and the bag ... well its not often you can make something out of what sounds like spaghetti!! You are insipring me to go yarn shopping!!! x

  10. Blimey you did get snow, not a sprinkle here, just cold, and frosty...brrrr. Stolen days, are good day's...the quilt looks like its going to be lovely....
    p.s you look like that lady in the crochet mag!! ;-)

  11. Oh that snow and toastiness is a particularly delicious combination I think - envious as always of your crochet ability and marvellous colours. Love those coaster from a previous posting
    Keep warm and keep the home fires burning.......

  12. What a gorgeous day..... Praying for snow here..... Love those mornings when you wake and the world is white and the children are home...... Hot chocolates too..... Blissx

  13. Do you have to make the day up?Here in North Wales they allow for a snow day and if we don't get one that day is added to the summer holiday.We are expecting snow overnight and tomorrow.It will be a great excuse to stay in and sort my craft cupboard out and get some crafting done.

  14. I agree about the 'simply crochet' comment I reveiwed it on my blog and came to the same conclusion! But will give it another try as i did the 3 for £5 offer.
    That issue od inside crochet looks better than the others....thanks for sharing will take a look at it!

  15. Yes indeed; we do spend a big chunk of the day feeding our children! This week my eldest daughter has been hope recovering from her wisdom teeth extraction. It has been special spending extra time with her but there has been a lot of soup stirring happening too. I love making soups but JUST soups? Hmm.

    As a snow and winter lover (as long as I avoid the flu viruses going around) I have relished this post of yours. Pretty snow pictures and a few chuckles.

    Thank you.


  16. Sorry! I should have written 'my eldest daughter has been home...' but I'mm sure you figured that one out :-)

  17. I agree with you about the right sort of crochet - much as I try I cannot bring myself to love something just because it is made with a hook - sigh. Sirdar snuggly is great wool to work with - I knocked up a couple of hats for daughter and chum a couple of months back and they knitted up in no time - win win!

  18. Hello :-), found your lovely blog just by chance and have enjoyed my visit very much. Your snowy pictures are lovely and sounds like you had a great day. My phone's internet connection is playing up and l can't get the follow thingy visible. Will pop back and try from my computer later. Happy weekend from Pam in Norway

  19. Hello :-), found your lovely blog just by chance and have enjoyed my visit very much. Your snowy pictures are lovely and sounds like you had a great day. My phone's internet connection is playing up and l can't get the follow thingy visible. Will pop back and try from my computer later. Happy weekend from Pam in Norway

  20. I know it was cold and I'm glad you've got warm fires but your snow day was so beautiful I can't help but think it was worth it.


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I always try to get back and reply, but sometimes this may take a bit longer as pets and children always seem to need attention around here.

Bobo X

Me Made May 2018

This month I'm taking part in Me Made May, hosted by Zoe of .  Oh and if you head on over to her blog y...