
Sunday 19 July 2009

Wonderful Weekends

On Saturday morning I came down to this quirky sign the Bun's had made. The colours alone are so cheery and match all the other colourful things that have taken place over the weekend so far.

When I went out to get woodshavings and straw to clean out the animals houses I saw these beautiful dahlias on the side of the road. For only 80p I got all of these. Each one is a different colour and fills me with such happiness. They are like an oil painting come to life.

Later on in the afternoon I grabbed a moment to do some crochet, something I never do in the daytime, so it felt a real treat. Completely different colours attracted me. Intense bright ones for the hexagons. They are part of a plan for a cushion cover. I'll need to work an increase and decrease edging to straighten the sides somehow. I'll deal with that when I get there I think. I've still to sew a back on my flower garden cushion, so I've jumped ahead somewhat anyway.

And talking of jumping ahead, I started something else at the same time. For a while now I've had an idea in my head of making a crochet bag. I wanted it to have colourful squares on the main bag and stripy handles. Reasoning that I start things and then take ages to finish them, I decided it was more realistic to make this bag for the winter. So I searched through the wool stash and came up with these fabulous shades. I was going to mix the squares with plain and floral, but looking at this picture I think I'll go for all floral. Too much is more after all.

Suddenly it was Sunday. Little Bun and Mr Bun went swimming and Eldest Bun and I decided to make Oat & Raising cookies (except we used sultanas as they are yummier). Being the control freak I am I actually stood to one side as a helper and let her get on with it for once. She is nearly nine after all.

These are only half of the cookies, the others were still cooking. They are truly delicious and quite a lot have been eaten already.

After lunch my little gang popped out to visit Grandad as Grandma is away in Barcelona for the weekend. I chose to stay behind and get a bit more of the bathroom done. It's a big job covering up orange and grey tiles and golden paint. After two years of looking at hideous colours I decided it was time to get on with a revamp. No money for retiling - so trusty white tile paint is back again. I've still got to do one more coat, but I'm saving that excitement for another day. I was going to go for a primrose and hot pink bathroom, but in the end I used paint we already had as part of the usual ecomony drive. I'm really pleased I did actually as it is bright and cheerful in here already. The light is pretty rubbish today, but the colour is an intense aquamarine. Today I wanted to make the blind. I'm so pleased with how cheerful the red polka dots look, such an improvement on dingy cream.

I thought you'd like to see Jemima who sits at the end of the bath. She started life as a nightlight until a toddler came to visit and threw her around until they were satisfied they had completely broken her. So I dismantled her and actually I prefer having her sitting there overseeing bathtime.

Well I guess they'll be back soon, so off I go to look busy and be ready with cuddles and more cookies.


  1. I've gone back to my hexagon blanket this weekend, so many things to make but not enough time!!! I like the sound of the bag, yet another thing on my list.
    The blind looks great, my fave! Good luck with the bathroom, it's great what you can do using left over... very green too! :)

  2. I've just started a bag this weekend as I'm soooo fed up with having a paper bag to stash all my wool - love the flower squares and colours.

    Your bathroom looks fab and the colour is very cheery.

    Have a lovely week and take care,

    Nina x

  3. I love the aquamarine! Especially with the red polka dot blind. It's lovely.

  4. those cookies look good - i have a (nearly) 8 year old who "insists" on doing all the mixing etc herself with me stressing quietly at the side!!
    i love the colour in the bathroom its fab and the blind looks really good :-)
    Lesley x

  5. Hi Lisa,
    Looks like you have had a busy weekend! I have e mailed you my address a couple of times and am keeping my fingers crossed that you have got it by now, you might check your junk box if you havent please let me know if you get it (or not as the case may be!) I love your spotty blind,

  6. Hello!
    Your bathroom looks lovely, you have done such a fab job on it!xxx


Thanks for stopping by and leaving me a comment. I read all of them and really appreciate you taking the time to say hello.
I always try to get back and reply, but sometimes this may take a bit longer as pets and children always seem to need attention around here.

Bobo X

Me Made May 2018

This month I'm taking part in Me Made May, hosted by Zoe of .  Oh and if you head on over to her blog y...