
Saturday 17 October 2009

Pick 'n' Mix

If you pop on over to Pick 'n' Mix Makers Market blog you'll see some of the makers who will be there on December 12.

We are featuring each makers work so you can get a sneak preview of how exciting this market promises to be.

We are very busy behind the scenes still, but often meetings take place over cake and lunch so we're both very happy.


  1. All looks very exciting and industrious! Loving meetings with cake, I can do that!

    Love Sarah x

  2. We'll have to take a peek. Thanks!

  3. Oh I so wanted to have a stall but didn't find out about it soon enough. Such a shame. I have another event that day but all crafty fingers crossed that you do very well! Meanwhile, I may see you in the New Year at the next fair.


Thanks for stopping by and leaving me a comment. I read all of them and really appreciate you taking the time to say hello.
I always try to get back and reply, but sometimes this may take a bit longer as pets and children always seem to need attention around here.

Bobo X

Me Made May 2018

This month I'm taking part in Me Made May, hosted by Zoe of .  Oh and if you head on over to her blog y...