
Tuesday 20 October 2009

Some flowers, an egg and a slice of cake.

Thank heavens for old ladies who are still selling Dahlias

and Pinks from their doorsteps to add a splash of bright summer colour to the grey skies.

Oh and the egg. Well I found that one in the garden laid in one of the little hidey holes the ladies use. We don't know its age or vintage as yet. Even though it doesn't float in water, I still don't trust it completely. So it sits alone until we bravely crack it open.

These petally explosions inspired to me to get on with making up some more flowery hair bobbles and clips. Oh and the cake was essential to give me the energy for all that snip snip snipping of felt.

A felty flower border soon started to spring up.

Two have already been set aside for school tomorrow. Blue and Orange for Eldest Bun and ...

... red and minty green for Little Bun beside the Dahlia's that got me started in the first place.


  1. Adorable! What are the flower centers fashioned of? Beautiful colors! I love that sherberty pink one in the middle of everything best!

  2. What a post full of gorgeousness!!
    My plant man is sadly no longer selling his beautiful dahlias, they've changed over to autumnal-coloured chrysanths which I'm not too sure about just yet (toooo brown!).
    And your felty flowers are just as beautiful as the real things, they look wonderful all blooming together.
    Have a lovely day

  3. Gorgeous Mrs.Bun,

    I would like orange and bright pink please!
    I wish I could get my mits on some late dahlias, they really are the jolliest flower,

    Love Sarah x

  4. The hair accessories are gorgeous, Lisa! x

  5. You are so clever, but the patience you have.... but the end result worth it, but such a shame you have to have cake, still, a woman has to make sacrifices for her art.
    By the way, I am organising a Christmas-themed swap over on the Three R's blog, if you are interested?

  6. What pretty gorgeous colours - shame I've got boys!

  7. 'Ohhhh' I love your felty flowers - gorgeous and 'yay' for dahlias though none to be had down here I'm afraid I've searched every little flowery place I can think of - hey, ho!

    Have a lovely day,

    Nina xxxxx

  8. I searched the nearest market town last week for dahlias, and found absolutely nothing. I had to buy some very boring (and expensive) chrysanthemums for my B&B guests - it was all very disappointing. I love the hair clips - very pretty!

    Pomona x

  9. I love those ladies who sell flowers at their gate or doorstep!
    Your felt flowers are lovely too!

  10. I just want to know one thing - where do you put all that cake you're eating?! Is it going to your hair and you have it cut off every few weeks? Because there's not a sign of it anywhere else! and it does look like such very very good cake! t.x

  11. Very very Big Tight pants(knickers). Sssshhh don't tell anyone.


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I always try to get back and reply, but sometimes this may take a bit longer as pets and children always seem to need attention around here.

Bobo X

Me Made May 2018

This month I'm taking part in Me Made May, hosted by Zoe of .  Oh and if you head on over to her blog y...