
Monday 6 February 2012

Black & White Stuff

My favourite pastime when it snows is cosying up inside eating delicious things and snuggling by the fire. Mind you we're seriously hoping it'll dump down enough tommorow to cancel school and work so we can go sledging. Sledging really has the edge when you're supposed to be in a maths lesson.

My folks live on a golf course with excellent hilly slopes, and if you know Norfolk you'll know there's not many hills about. The minute school was closed, a bunch of friends and me would drag our sleds through the gate at the bottom of the garden and climb the hills ahead. My sled was a monster of speed. My dad made it for me from a few old doors and added serious polished runners. It was so heavy to drag up that hill, but boy did it fly down with room for three aboard. I wonder if we'll be hitting that hill tommorow?

Before it snowed and was just freezing here we tried out the cookies posted on The Vintage Magpie. These turned out to be seriously good, all warm melty chocolate inside caramely sweet cookies. A very good start to the weekend I thought. Mind you this was after all the pancakes I'd made the Bun's for breakfast.

Then, while I was ironing some fabric for sewing stuff, I got distracted and made a lemon drizzle cake. Why is it I just want to eat and eat when it's so cold?

After nutty weeks of work and busy weekends I opted for eating lots and making stuff on Saturday. A properly lazy going with the flow day. I cut out more hexies to get my quilt going again.

In the afternoon we found a Basil Rathbone and Nigel Bruce Sherlock Holmes to watch sleepily by the woodburner. I tried out a few black edged puff and cluster squares as I've been thinking of these for a while. I usually avoid black, I only have one black thing in my wardrobe and that's a cardigan I pimped with lace and pretty buttons and never wear. All the same I've been really drawn to how pretty black grannies can look with vintage florals so I'm giving black a fair try for now.

Late on Saturday night our little world went all white. Alfie wasn't keen on my foot up his bum to get him out for his night time wee.

The Bun's were beyond excited when they saw it in the morning. Alfie didn't care for it one bit. He and Mr Bun usually go for a run every morning, Sunday is their 2-3 mile long one. Today Alfie hid under the bed. Then he moved to the top of the stairs safely out of reach. So the Bun's and their daddy went off for an early walk. Alfie did a whooping lap of honour because his plan had worked.

Pip our older cat was brave with the snow, but Olly freaked out. Normally he's out all day wandering miles over the fields. Today he made it an inch out of the door twice.

Even our ladies have been out of sorts today. I trod all the snow down and made little paths for them to try and get them to wander. Then I brought their favourite broken chair up to roost on as they just couldn't face the walk across the garden. They dined on a hearty breakfast of warm porridge which helped cheer them a bit. I gave Olive and Bluebell a cuddle under each arm as they just seemed so bewildered by what had happened to their world.

So I'm feeling drawn. I fancy some more fun with my girls in the snow, but I really want all our furry and feathered friends to  have their world back the way it should be too.


  1. Looks so pretty at the time, but second hand snow is just depressing, isn't it? Looking very soggy in the garden here today. Higgins took a little persuading but had great fun in it in the end. It was definitely a weekend for hot chocolate and sewing by the fire! xx

  2. I love Alfie Blue, he's too clever! We also just want to munch in this weather but our oven has just died which might just be a good thing in disguise! :0)
    We love the snow too and sledging but I don't like to drive in this weather and our world looks very slushy outside this morning...I guess it's school and work for us then! Hope your hens are feeling a little normal soon xox Penelope
    ps. I'm loving the black, I too avoid it but whenever I see it in a vintage granny blanket, I have a strong , very strong desire for one...oh no I think you've just inspired me ! Have a great week x

  3. No snow here, so I'm really envious. At least we saw the sun yesterday, but today is miserably damp and grey ... my turn for a bit of crafting by the fire.

    I do like the look of those Granny squares :D

  4. All that snow ! I am the green eyes monster! I love your chicken set up! I So want some chickens but not sure we have the space!
    All that yummy cooking too! So lucky to live in your house!!

  5. Your weekend sounds perfect. Like you, I just want to eat when it's cold, I wonder why that is?!

    We had a little bit of snow here on saturday but it's all melting now. Not enough for snowmen or sledging. Boo hoo

    Have a happy week!

    Vanessa xxx

  6. Bella didn't need any encouragement to get out in the snow...she goes crazy!
    Lots of bloggers are getting the urge to included.I made choccy biscuits and sandwiched them together with Nutella...seriously good! Just going to check out that biscuit recipe.
    Enjoy the snow while it lasts! :0)

  7. oh' Norfolk sledging hey! what a grand day out in the snow that would make!- i love Norfolk!...childhood holiday and visits. I wished for just an inch! but heyho no no!...i love all the snowy pictures you have captured...your chucks out in it too ;0) what a delight to see.
    keep warm lovely! love those fabrics too x

  8. Lovely photos. Don't wish it away! We've not had any down here and am looking at everyone's blogs very enviously. That's not to say we haven't eaten comfort food all weekend... any excuse!

  9. Poor animals!
    Thankfully we never got any snow as I'm not a fan!
    Love the black grannies. :)
    Vivienne x

  10. Awww I am loving your snowy pics...we had an hour of snow that turned to grey slush after 10 minutes so no sledging for us, I think the black edging works really well..but thats the old goth in me creeping out again :) have a fab white and sledgy week x x x x

  11. Much to my daughters disgust, the snow didn't reach us here on the island. I love how you describe spending your days when it is snowing outside. Our woodburner 'woody' is still waiting to be installed :( but I am glad you have one to stoke.
    Beautiful cheerful and colourful post as always xxx

  12. Hey Country RAbbit! Don't knock the hills in Norfolk! A friend of mine is a member of the notorious Norfolk Mountain Rescue Brigade - I think they mostly hang about in pubs, mind you!

    I'm with you on the snow front, Lisa, love the first day or so - especially if you don't have to go out - but then I want it GONE! No ice, slush or anything else, just gone. Those poor hens, they must have thought the sky was falling.........

  13. Hello! You have so many nice things here! Greetings Riitta Sinikka

  14. Hello petal, I am attempting a come back, but just a sentence a day to start with... we'll see! I didn't know people were allowed to live on golf courses... do they get a lot of breakages from mis hit golf balls? Happy snow day! x

  15. our sledges are packed for the half term hols - now praying for some snow (to fall after we've arrived safely!)
    Our ladies used to love their poridge on a cold they don't get a look in as the pesky piglet literally 'snouts' them out the way so she can gobble it up all by herself!
    happy weekend
    fee x

  16. What a lovely post. Love the colours and the photos. And that hot chocolate looks scrummy. x

  17. Fabulous snowy pics...! I love it the first day or so when it's fresh, fluffy and magical...then feel the need (like many ) for it to do the off!! ha!

    Loving the black granny squares... vintage loveliness :)

    Louise xxx


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Bobo X

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