
Tuesday 14 February 2012

Jack V

For us all this hearts and flowers stuff is yet another excuse for a lovely day. A day of surprise gifts and lovely stuff. Jack Valentine knocked on the door this morning leaving surprise gifts for the Bun's. Sweets, stickers, wind up hearts and notebooks were pulled out of paperbags.
Miss Rosey had secretly stitched a felt rose for us all and Little Bun had made a Big Valentine Book of Fun.

As for me, well I'd been hooking away making a tattoo hearts and flowers garland. I'd been thinking of making a garland for a few weeks and then I saw the lovely one Penny had made and I was off.

Somehow the garland become something else. I kept thinking of my favourite tattoo's - retro hearts, flowers and bluebirds, just like the one flying over my shoulder. A couple of bluebirds holding all the flowers and hearts together works perfectly for me.

I'm not sure where it'll end up, but over the oven works fine for today.

There's quite a bit of sorting and moving around of stuff needed around here to be honest. I'm getting a Spring's on its way and so it's time for a change feeling coming on.

After adding the new bookcase I guess I've already begun. It was meant to go on the landing outside the Bun's bedrooms, but I like it too much to not see it all the time. Our other bookcase is so huge and crammed full of books that it has to hide in the backhall.

Somehow I found myself bringing the basket home too. When we got back from bowling yesterday Poor Alfie Blue had the handles stuck round his neck. Guess he was on his constant search for sweets and delicacies. Yet another thing to hide up when we go out.

I'm really thrilled with this simple little bookcase. I've had one like this in mind for a few years now and knew it would turn up eventually.

Not sure how long before it becomes truly cluttered with bits and bobs.


  1. The bookcase is fabulous Lisa. I really love the colour and with all your little bits and bobs on it looks perfect.

    And I know what you mean about bookcases crammed full of stuff. Poor little miss F's has literally fallen over - twice - with all the books she has crammed on it, but trying to find a simple corner case to replace it is virtually impossible. Hopefully something will turn up at the bootfairs this year.

    take care and have a lovely day,

    Nina xxx

    ps. I'll probably get a bunch of roses today as they are all half price!

  2. Ahhh nothing better in this world than a good bookcase. Really its all about the possiblities that one can hold. Whether it be treasured trinkets or stories full of adventure,exitement or intrigue. Bookcases in my world rock! lol

    And I just love yours love that colour it really goes with your lovely home.

    And that bunting. Wow so pretty and colourful. I just love all those colours together. I keep meaning to make some sort of garland for my girls rooms. Maybe i will be get a move on with it now!

    Hope you have a lovely rest of the week.

    MBB x

  3. What a pretty bookcase! I love that blue, it shows off all your little bits and pieces beautifully. It's delightful to see see the Bluebird version of the Heart Garland, it looks so pretty over the Aga (I'm suffering serious Aga envy here too!)And poor Alfie Blue and the basket, you were lucky he didn't chew it in revenge!
    Penny xxx

  4. What a fab little bookcase, filled with wonderful pieces. At the end of each day I have to check my bookcase, as my girls have usually taken all books off then shoved them back on back to front. I'm not usually a clean freak, but that does get my goat a little! I love a bookcase or three.
    The bunting is adorable, the love and care it must have taken......wish I had half your talent.
    Nattie x

  5. Lovely little bookcase. I think you've been very restrained. Over here it would be jam packed full of clutter!
    Nice basket too! And tell R I'm very impressed with the rose.

  6. Can't beat a bookcase full of books and bits for making a home feel homely. Bunting love from me too x

  7. oohhh your bunting is beautiful i have never seen one like that its so pretty with the blue birds and flowers to what a lovely idea. Your book case looks smashing i went into a wonderful old bookshop yesterday it went on and on and it was filled high with vintage books and old corners and wooden book shelfs it was like stepping back in time. Enjoy rest of your week, dee x

  8. What a beautiful bookcase Lisa, I love the colour and all the sweet vintage ladybird books and your collected bits and bobs. We always have good intentions with our shelves but they soon become a dumping ground until I have a rant and they get sorted :0)

    What a lovely stitched flower Miss. Rosey made, it's always lovely to get a crafty surprise from our kids. So special.

    I love your love birds, hearts and flowers, I think the garland looks perfect in your kitchen, the heart of the home xox Have a great rest of the week x

    ps. pretty pretty basket!

  9. The vintage eye candy makes me 'giddy' with excitement- how wonderful the garland in your lovely kitchen and the hand made rose and gifts...perfect day with a love of a family xx

  10. Lovely bookcase. What a sweet girl to make that lovely rose! Treasure to keep forever!


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Bobo X

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