
Tuesday 6 November 2012

Crowning Glory

Back into the same old routines today. Rush from a warm comfy bed and then into the car at 7.30 to to do two separate school runs. All three were envious I had Monday off, but they weren't envious about my trip to the dentist. Chewing gum last week one of my teeth fell to bits (which was a bit worrying at the time). I need a crown apparently, never had one of those so that'll be a first won't it.

After all the drilling, poking and prodding I finally got home to start the lovely part of the day and get on with Little Bun's dress. Her class are visiting the North Norfolk Railway this week for an evacuee day and she needs to dress the part. We have a thrifted elderly cardigan, gingham ribbons, grey socks, a white blouse and very nearly one warm soft cord dress.

I used the same pattern that I made Miss Rosey a dress from in the summer for this dress. I just needed to size it down as I went along to fit a smaller girly. I loved fiddling about to make just the right label. A small bit of Liberty cotton, green lace and a vintage French monogram label and I was done.

I bound the armholes in some vintage green binding I found in my trims tin. I'm thrilled with the contrast and how it softens the darkness of the black cord.

I still need to add a zip and hem the bottom, but that'll have to wait until Wednesday night (cutting it fine as always). All the same I know the dress actually fits Little Bun which is an absolute plus. I love making clothes, but I find it slightly stressful alongside the pleasure I get from it. As I go along I keep wondering if it will actually fit or if I'm going to cock it up. Many things have been thrown into the disaster pile. This dress shouldn't be one of them as I made it to suit the period, but in a fashionable enough shape so Little Bun will actually wear it .

Popping the cardigan over the top I was so pleased with the overall look, The colours work really well together.

I spent the rest of the day catching up with the Bubblegum Blanket. I decided to stitch a few squares together so I'd have an idea of how big it would be.

Choosing different colour combinations and seeing how they work together is the best bit for me. After having an idea in my head for a while, it's great when it starts to become a real thing.

Two rows nearly done, only another 12 to go and we'll have something much needed to snuggle under. I'm determined to keep going with this one until the end.


  1. good job with the outfit!!
    Still in love with your bubblegum blanket!!
    xxx Alessandra

  2. The little dress and cardi are just gorgeous and the lable is so pretty!
    Wow, that's some undertaking making a blanket, but I love the colours you have used.
    Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger

  3. ...yes keep going with the blanket...i still have an unfinished patchwork quilt I started about 20 years ago!!!!!(be warned)....the little outfit is adorable......LOVE the cardigan.....keep warm today!x

  4. What a lovely dress and I think the label is fantastic - I always want to use something a bit special when I'm making things for the little ones and yours is perfect; I hope she enjoys her evacuee day, it sounds like so much fun.

  5. Love the dress Lisa, the fabric is utterly gorgeous! Wish I could dress make! Loving the crochet too.
    Victoria xx

  6. What a beautiful evacuee your Little Bun will be, and how lucky is she to have such a clever crafty Mummy? Love the dress (label is so clever) and as for the cardi, do they do them in my size? Lots of lovely gorgeousness, the blanket is fab!

    Love Claire xx

  7. Now that does look lovely, a couple of 'pig' tails tied with those ribbons and she'll totally look the part!

    Gosh, I had a Golly as a kid, such a pity they're no longer approved of as I'm sure children just see a toy with added character.

  8. What a lucky little evacuee to have such a beautiful dress and cardi ... so lovely ... the little label is the perfect finishing touch ... and the blanket is gorgeous ... the colours are beautiful ... Bee xx

  9. The dress is adorable and the outfit perfect!

  10. I'm sorry to hear you neded a crown, that must have been really scary your tooth falling aprt, like a bad dream. I hope you're feeling much better now. :)
    Lovely pink crochet squares, they look so pretty on your quilt.
    Jess x

  11. Lisa, it's so funny as a colleague asked me about helping her out with making the right choices for her daughter's evacuee outfit yesterday. I thought of you then! Love this dress and the cardy looks perfect too. i was so sad when Alice was poorly with a nasty cold last year when she missed her day to be an evacuee, I think I was looking forward to it more than she was ;o)
    Well done with persevering with your bubble gum blanket, it's going to be scrummy xox Penelope

  12. Little Bun's going to be the best evacuee in the group! Love the Bubblegum Square colours, really pretty. My sympathies for the crown, but it'll be worth it in the end x

  13. Oh the dress is lovely,
    clever you!
    Daisy x

  14. That dress and Carey look great together, she's going to one smart evacuee! And that bubble gum blanket...fantastic! :)

  15. What a lovely dress!I love the contrasting green, it's that attention to detail that makes it really special and original. I'm sorry about your tooth, the same thing happened to me last week while I was munching on some crisps,I won't be snacking on those again for a while! I hope Little Bun's evacuee day goes well, Best wishes Mari

  16. The dress is fantastic she will look lovely. The cardie is such a gorgeous colour and the sweet embroidery just finishes it off. Keep going with the blanket it will be well worth it. Sarah x

  17. Beautiful dress (love the label detail) goes perfectly with the cardie.
    The blanket will be well worth persevering with, what a happy colour combination.
    Carol xx

  18. Do you think she will let you take a pic of her wearing it so we can all see her dressed up? Hope she has a great time. Love those colours in your blanket - perfect to cheer you up in grey November. Karen x

  19. I think I need to get my hands on that pattern and some soft cord. It is lush. Will you show us a pic of Little Bun in it?

    The label is suuuuuuper sweet. I need to copy that too. Soz.


  20. A perfect mix of colour and pattern - the cardi is especially wonderful. As always a lovely inspiring post and I have crochet envy....
    Best wishes


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Bobo X

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