
Saturday 3 November 2012

Happy Home Days

This has been the most marvellous week of lovely home time and now wishing we could stretch it out just a wee while longer. There are so many things I had planned for me and my girls, but time always runs away from us doesn't it.

I've fitted in cupboard reshuffle's and clearouts. We can actually walk across the Bun's bedroom floors again. How long this will last I wonder.

I finished dressing Miss Rosey's wardrobe at long last. Some things I start, then life gets in the way and they have to patiently sit waiting to be properly finished. I gave her a choice of fabrics, hoping she would choose the softened and faded 1950's rose curtains to contrast with the Designers Guild check. She did luckily.

Midweek pancakes were requested. I took my place by the stove and flipped out one after another while hooking up a few new things.

In the middle of the pancake marathon Mr Postie knocked on the door with a delivery just for me. Once the Bun's tums were full I cleared up and took a moment at the kitchen table to have a flick through a book that a lot of people are talking about right now. This is one book that's well worth the pennies. If not just for the makes and ideas, but most definately to look at all the beautiful pictures inside.

My Mr was at home that morning too so he had a peek and declared it a very lovely book. I just love looking at pictures of other peoples fabric stash. Thankfully Rachelle and Tif know this and have included plenty of shots to drool over. I was also tempted by one other book this week as Amazon had such a good deal going. I'll show you that one another day.

That same evening we had a small family Halloween party planned. One of many firsts to get through without my dad joining us. He could always be relied on to do his best vampire in the style of grandpa in the Munsters.

We made jellies with sugary snails and worms in them and collected sweeties together for us and anyone who might knock.

The Bun's made dead finger biscuits while I made my first ever marshmallow frosting to turn into ghosties. Such a simple topping to make and utterly sweetly delicious. I'm no expert at making perfect cake decorations, but they do taste good all the same.

Party time came and with the clan all dressed in their finest spooky gear we got ready to eat and play the games the Bun's had planned. We had pin the wart on the witch, find the bat and who am I to start the ball rolling.

Alfie Blue got in on the act too. He adores grandma and thinks he's her grandson.

After all our cosy home days we were ready to get a good dose of fresh air by Friday. Meeting up with friends we had a wonderful wintery seaside day of eating, walking and playing.

Films, jumble sales and fireworks are planned for the weekend and then it's all too soon back to routine once more. How I wish we could start the week all over again.


  1. Miss Rosey's wardrobe is gorgeous and your flowery coasters are yummy!!!
    happy weekend, xxx Alessandra

  2. The 1st are always the worse when you lose someone :( I'm sure your dad was smiling down on you. How cute does Alfie Blue look..... made me chuckle x

  3. Oooh I've been wondering about the granny chic book and knew that sooner or later I would see it on someones blog, looks like great eye candy, another one to add to my list of wanties. I seem to be going through a bit of a book buying phase, it's lovely. Looks like you had a fabulous family time together over this past week, your girls are so blessed with such gorgeous parents. Enjoy this weekend before the routine starts again, yuck I'm dreading it :0) xox Penelope

  4. Ah, the granny chic book; yes, am sorely tempted. Have you got/read/seen the first Dottie Angel book? I wasa bit stunned by the price initially to be honest, but am still tempted...Christmas, maybe?

    LOVE the new wardrobe treatment..and I know all about life getting in the way of finishing projects ....we have cheap bamboo blinds on a wardrobe in the dressing/computer room which have been waiting for proper treatment for....erm..........10 years! Ooooops!

  5. What a great week you had, I agree it goes so quickly! I wish they would have a week less at summer and 2 weeks in October! I keep drooling over that book, unfortunately its going to have to be a Christmas pressie! They say good things come to those who wait! Miss Rosey has chosen well! :)

  6. Just read through again, I always do that! It's a tough year when one of the family leaves us, eventually it gets a little less about them not being there, and a little more about when they were there. You start to pull up all those memories, then it's like they are there, kind of x x x

  7. looks like a fab time! The wardrobe look great and the coasters do to. xx

  8. Oh Mr Alfie Blue.... I think I love you!

    Daisy J x

  9. Looks like you have had a great week ... love the wardrobe and who doesn't love pancakes ... they are a thankless task though ... you can never get away from the pan ... your crochet is lovely and i hope you enjoy your weekend ... Bee xx

  10. Ooh what a lovely week you've had. Granny Chic is on my Christmas list, fingers crossed :) loving your little coasters.
    Victoria xx

  11. Looks like the best kind of half term :D

  12. what a lot of lovely things you fitted in, and a fun halloween party! it looks good at your house!! Heather x


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Bobo X

Me Made May 2018

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